mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
1styearsahe | 1st Year SAHE |
2016scholars | [no description available] |
2023-cla-leadership-development-institute | [no description available] |
2ndyearsahe | 2nd Year SAHE |
4HPrograms | CSU Extension - Updates on the Colorado 4-H programs |
Academic_support_coordinators | For communication between Academic Success Coordinators |
Acc_all | Animal Cancer Center Distribution List |
Accion-list | Accion List |
Active_fidelity | [no description available] |
Active_serp | [no description available] |
Active_tiaa_corebridge | [no description available] |
Acua-l | Listserv for Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Affairs |
AdminBB | CSU Extension - All Extension Staff List |
AdministrationBldg | AdminBldg |
Aerosolmatters | All matters related to aerosols or fine particles |
Aes_projects_pi | AES Project PIs |
Aes_rc_adminpros | Administrative professional personnel in the agricultural experiment station research centers |
Aes_rc_mgrs_supers | Managers and superintendents of ag. experiment; station research centers |
Aes_rc_pis | Principal Investigators at Ag Experiment Station Research Centers |
Af-ap_benefits_oe | General Faculty benefits open enrollment |
Aflh_list | Literary List |
africangraduatestudents | List to help support student engagement, create community, and facilitate communications between African Graduate Students Organization members and its affiliates at CSU |
AFS_fishingderby | AFS Fishing Derby |
AFS_list | American Fisheries Society Student Subunit |
Ag_directors_co_wy | Annual Giving Directors in Colorado and Wyoming Schools/Universities |
Agdg-list | Animal Geneticist's Discussion |
Aggieecoleaders | [no description available] |
AgLenders | CSU Extension - Agriculture Lenders List |
AgPRU | List for CSU Extension to combine multiple working groups into one large agriculture focused group |
Agroecolab-l | CSU agroecology group |
Agwaternews | Agricultural Water Conservation Clearninghouse News |
AI_Safety_Security | List to bring researchers, academicians and practitioners who are interested in the safety and security of Artificial Intelligence |
Aia_academics | Academia Industry Alliance academic mailing list |
Aia_industry | Academia Industry Alliance industry mailing list |
Alig-list | Active Learning Interest Group |
All_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Allison_deskstaff | Allison Student Desk Staff |
Allsahestudents | [no description available] |
Alumnicoordinatingcouncil | Alumni and colleges coordinate programs |
Amplify_main | [no description available] |
Amplify_spanish | [no description available] |
Amplify_tech | [no description available] |
Amplify_tp | [no description available] |
Amplify_w | [no description available] |
Analyticalchem_students | [no description available] |
Animal_Users | Animal Users |
Animaladvocacy | We advocate on behalf of animals |
Animalbreeding_genetics | [no description available] |
ANRBB | CSU Extension - Ag and Natural Resources |
Ansible_list | Ansible configuration management mailing list |
Anth_emeritus | anthropology and geography emeriti |
Anth_full_profs | [no description available] |
Anth_online_instructors | all online ANTH and GR instructors |
Anthropologyaff | Department of Anthropology Affiliates |
Anthropologyallgrad | Anthropology grad student list |
Anthropologygta | Anthropology gta list |
Anthropologytsfac | Anthropology special and temporary instructors |
Anthropologyttt | Tenured and Tenure Track professors |
Apacc_newsletter | [no description available] |
Apc_area1 | Ap Council |
Apc_area10 | Ap Council |
Apc_area11 | Ap Council |
Apc_area12 | Ap Council |
Apc_area13 | Ap Council |
Apc_area14 | Ap Council |
Apc_area15 | Ap Council |
Apc_area16 | AP Council Area 16 |
Apc_area2 | Ap Council |
Apc_area3 | Ap Council |
Apc_area4 | Ap Council |
Apc_area5 | Ap Council |
Apc_area6 | Ap Council |
Apc_area7 | Ap Council |
Apc_area8 | Ap Council |
Apc_area9 | Ap Council |
Apc_ra | APC Research Associates |
Apcouncil | Administrative Professional Council |
Apcouncil_alt | alternate members to the apc |
Aphi_list | Animal Population Health Institute |
Apo-l | Alpha Phi Omega |
Appliedfaculty | Music Applied Teachers |
Arbl_bldg | Occupants of the ARBL Building |
ARBL_Seminar | ARBL Seminar Series |
arc-list | ARC user list |
arc-stockroom | ARC Stockroom list |
Aries_ar_users | Aries Banner Accounts Receivable Users |
Ariesprojectteam | ARIES Project Team e-Mail List |
Artsmanagementttt | [no description available] |
Ascsu_elections_committee | CSU Student Government Elections Committee |
Asirelampago | [no description available] |
Asme_board | CSU ASME Board Members |
Athleticadmin | CSU Athletics Administration |
Atmos-poster-printer | [no description available] |
Atmos-sysadmin-pool | [no description available] |
Ats-atsissa | [no description available] |
Ats-cira-dei | [no description available] |
Ats-outreach | [no description available] |
Ats-rasmussen-group | [no description available] |
Ats-tropical | [no description available] |
Ats712_2018 | [no description available] |
Ats_chui-group | [no description available] |
Av_deskstaff | AV Student desk staff |
AVEPM-L | Official communication for the Association for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine |
Banner_BCM_Users | Banner BCM Stakeholders |
Bdlalumni | Alumni of the Business Diversity and Leadership Alliance |
Bell_atmos_group | [no description available] |
Belowground | soil ecology mega-lab |
Bio_psmstu | Professional Science Master's Students |
Bio_ugradmentoring | [no description available] |
Biochemistryclub | Biochemistry Club List |
Bioenergy | Bioenergy researchers at CSU |
Biology_plantgrowthchambers | [no description available] |
Biomimetics-l | [no description available] |
Bmb-allfac | [no description available] |
Bmb-orders | [no description available] |
Bmb_idea | [no description available] |
Bmbadmin | Biochemistry Admin Staff |
Bmbfaculty | Biochemistry Faculty |
Bmbgradstu | Biochemistry graduate students |
Bmbstaff | Biochemistry lab staff |
Bms_affiliates | [no description available] |
Bms_gradstudents | [no description available] |
BoCo_Small_Acreage | CSU Extension - Issues related to small acreage land in Boulder County |
BoCo_Small_Farms | CSU Extension - Issues related to small farms in Boulder County |
Boettcher | Boettcher Scholars |
Bookstore-generalbooks | Newsletter announcements specials |
Braiden_deskstaff | Braiden student desk staff |
Bus-fin | Business & Financial Services listserv |
Business-test-mm | [no description available] |
Businessdiversity | For Business Diversity and Leadership Alliance members |
C2c-list | C2C news updates |
c3loud-ex | listserv for C3LOUD-Ex field campaign |
Caad | Committee of Associate and Assistant Deans |
Caag-l | College and Administration Advisory |
CADirectors | CSU Extension - Extension County Directors |
CAE4-HA | CSU Extension - Colorado Association of Extension 4-H Agents List |
Cahoon-lab | [no description available] |
Callaramsupervisors | Call a Ram |
Campusfeminist | [no description available] |
Capac-l | CAPAC Campus Procedural User Group |
Cardaccess | Distribution list for card access information |
Career-internship | Best practices and information about internship administration |
Carenews_list | [no description available] |
Casa_web | CASA's webteam |
Casaadvise | CASA's Advising Website E-Mil Address |
CASIDEA_List | List to distribute detailed information about inclusion, diversity, and equity initiatives in the College of Agricultural Sciences |
ccam_list | [no description available] |
Ccapromotioncommittee | [no description available] |
Ccd_alumni | Alumni of CSU Counseling & Career Development |
CCRG_Core | Colorado Conflict Reduction Group |
CEAFCSMembers | CSU Extension - Members of the Colorado Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences |
Cemml-jobs | e-mail applicants regarding open CEMML positions |
Centurydaycent-l | Listserv for Century and DayCent Users |
Cerser-l | SER-Rocky Mountains Listserv |
ces_summer_allison | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Allison Hall |
ces_summer_av | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with AV |
ces_summer_campus | List for all campus members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_corbett | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Corbett Hall |
ces_summer_durrell | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Durrell Center |
ces_summer_durward | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Durward Hall |
ces_summer_edwards | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Edwards Hall |
ces_summer_guarantees | List for all Guarantees members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_guesthousing | List for all Guest Housing members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_HDS | List for all HDS members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_housingroster | List for all Housing Roster members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_ingersoll | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Ingersoll Hall |
ces_summer_LSC | List for all LSC members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_MAC | List for all MAC members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_newsom | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Newsom Hall |
ces_summer_pavilion | List for CES summer communications for all Pavilion partners |
ces_summer_summit | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Summit Hall |
ces_summer_westfall | List for CES summer communications for all Westfall partners |
ces_summer_whatson | List for CES summer communications for all CES campus partners that receive What's On Reports |
Cesm-fsrc-workshop | [no description available] |
Cesuupdates | CESU-Sponsored Program Office Updates |
Cfats_list | Center for Fair and Alternative Trade Studies |
Cfd-l | Computational Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Laboratory |
CHCC_Core | To communicate with the CHCC members |
CHCC_Public | To communicate with the CHCC audience |
Chem-instructors | Distribution List for Chemistry instructors |
Chem-postdocs | Distribution list for Chemistry postdocs |
Chem-twic | [no description available] |
Chem111-instructors | Instructors for Chem 111 |
Chem111-tas | Teaching assistants for Chem 111 |
Chem113-instructors | Instructors for Chem 113 |
Chrac_members | [no description available] |
Cif-mass-spec | CIF mass spec facility email list |
Cira_all | [no description available] |
Cira_aviation | [no description available] |
Cira_fc | [no description available] |
Cira_noaa | [no description available] |
Cira_ra-rs-pd | [no description available] |
CIRA_SLIDER | Information about CIRA's (RAMMB) SLIDER new releases, status, and user requests |
CIRA_TC | CIRA Tropical Cyclones listserv |
Cira_weather_briefing | [no description available] |
civilstudents | Civil Eng undergrad and grad students |
Cla-asc | [no description available] |
Cla-firstgen-executive | CLA first generation executive committee members |
Cla-goldcurriculum | [no description available] |
Cla-greencurriculum | [no description available] |
Claccafaculty | [no description available] |
Cladeansccafaculty | [no description available] |
cladeptcommunicators | [no description available] |
Clagradcouncilsupport | [no description available] |
Clagradstucouncil | [no description available] |
Clainternshipcoord | [no description available] |
Claonlinecoords | [no description available] |
Clarkoccupants | [no description available] |
Classof2025 | [no description available] |
Classof2026 | [no description available] |
Classof2027_som | [no description available] |
classof2028_som | Contact list for class of 2028 med students |
Clean_pi_list | CLEAN Center PIs |
Clean_sac | CLEAN Project Sci Adv Cmte |
Clean_staff | CLEAN Center STaff |
Clery_compliance_info | Campus Security Authority info |
Climatechange | [no description available] |
CloverleafWorkgroup | CSU Extension - Cloverleafworkgroup |
CMB-Code-Club | List to announce time and room changes for the quantitative CMB and DSCI graduate participants of the code club |
cmb_csu | Cell & Molecular Biology Program Announcements |
CMB_fa | Faculty in the Cell & Molecular Biology Program |
Cmfa16-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa17-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa18-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa19-l | [no description available] |
Cn_faculty | Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty in Psychology |
Cn_students | Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Students |
Cnhp_2017_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_2021_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_outreach | This is a general outreach email |
Cnhp_riparian_restoration | CNHP Riparian Restoration |
Cnhp_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_volunteers | Used to communicate with volunteers |
Cns_biolab | CNS Computer Lab - Internal Use |
Cns_wins-l | CNS Women in Natural Sciences |
Cnslc-general | [no description available] |
Cnslc-main | [no description available] |
Cnslc-outreach | [no description available] |
Cnslc-outreach-tech | [no description available] |
Cnslc-spanish | [no description available] |
Cnslc-sustainability | [no description available] |
Cnslc-tech | [no description available] |
CO-Assessment | A collaborative space for sharing resources about student learning outcomes assessment, institutional assessment, and program evaluation |
CO_EFNEP | CSU Extension - List for the EFNEP group to communicate |
COAnniesProject | CSU Extension - Annie's Project in Colorado |
COB-GLC | College of Business Global Leadership Council |
Cob_fast | College of Business Finance and Admin Support |
Codex_seminar | Mailing list for the CodEx Semianr |
CoE-EAP | Separate list for external assessment panel members |
Coefreshman | [no description available] |
Coegtf_list | [no description available] |
Coisa-l | Receive updates about our cultural events |
Colorado_wetland_listserv | COWetlands |
Coloradoagrivoltaics | Colorado Agrivoltaics Listserve |
Coloradohisto | Colorado State Histotechnology Group |
Commstudiescca | [no description available] |
Commstudiesma | Comm Studies MA Students |
Commstudiesphd | Comm Studies PhD Students |
Commstudiespromten | Comm Studies promotion and tenure committee |
Commstudiesretfac | Communication Studies retired faculty |
Commstudiessc | Communication Studies state classified staff |
Commstudiestenuredfaculty | Communication Studies department tenured faculty |
Commstudiesttt | Communication Studies tenure and tenure track faculty |
Communityforexcellencepartners | CSU Partner Organizations with Community4Excellence |
Communityresiliencenews | CoE CRN newsletter |
Conflict_of_interest_committee | University Administration Conflict of Interest Committee |
Conner_lab | [no description available] |
Corac_list | Assessment and Research Group |
Corbett_deskstaff | Corbett student desk staff |
COSmallAcreage | CSU Extension - Small Acreage Management List |
Cotton_project | [no description available] |
Cpc_communications | [no description available] |
Cpc_communicator | [no description available] |
CPC_Guest_List | Guests interested in CPC information |
CPL-L | Cancer Prevention Lab Group List |
Cray-users | [no description available] |
Crjnews_list | [no description available] |
CRWAD_2017 | Information about the 2017 CRWAD Annual Meeting |
CRWAD_annual_meeting | [no description available] |
CRWAD_Section_Chairs | Communication forum for CRWAD Section Chairs |
Csal-l | CSAL List |
Csma_list | Colorado Student Media Association listserv |
Csu-assess | CSU Learning Assessment |
Csu-bands | Bands at Colorado State |
Csu-basketballband | Basketball Pep Band |
Csu-bmb | General Contact list for BMB inquiries - to be posted on web site |
Csu-pepband | CSU Pep Band |
Csu-training | [no description available] |
CSU-tropical | [no description available] |
Csu_asme | CSU ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section |
Csu_cap | Climate Adaptation Partnership (CAP) |
Csu_drone_operators | [no description available] |
CSU_Ento_Club | [no description available] |
csu_gbc_excomm | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_faculty | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_graduate | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_public | [no description available] |
Csu_gold_papers | CSU Gold Papers |
Csu_nr_remotesensing | [no description available] |
Csu_office_of_defense_engagement | ODE Office of Defense Engagement |
Csu_oip_isac | CSU International Student Advi |
Csu_one_health | One Health Constituents listserv - campuswide |
CSU_PASS_listserv | CSU Postdoc Association |
Csu_produce_network | CSU Produce Network |
Csu_rpcvs | [no description available] |
Csu_rugby | CSU Men's Rugby Team |
Csu_rugby_alumni | CSU Rugby Alumni Group List |
Csu_rugby_fans | CSU mens rugby fans |
Csu_sigma_xi | Sigma list for Dr. Ho |
CSU_Small_Animal_Sports_Medicine_and_Rehab | Mailing list |
CSU_Small_Animal_Sports_Medicine_and_Rehab_Clinical_Trials | LISTSERV |
Csu_uav | A email subscription about all things UAS/Drone in Research, Commerce, and Innovation |
CSU_UniversityAdvancement_Careers | CSU University Advancement Talent Community |
CSU_UniversityAdvancement_StudentCareers | CSU University Advancement Student Talent Community |
CSU_vpn_users | CSUVPNUSERS |
Csuaerobiome | [no description available] |
Csuarc | CSU amateur radio club |
Csuatftu-l | FTU Students at CSU |
Csubiology | [no description available] |
CSUCabinet | [no description available] |
Csucabinetassistants | [no description available] |
Csucamcrops | CO Crops Updates |
CSUDataFest | CSU Data Fest |
Csuecocar3 | Listserv for the CSU EcoCAR3 Program |
CSUEcoCARMobility | Supporting the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge DOE/GM Project |
CSUEXT_Admin_Support_Staff | CSU Extension - County Administrative Support Staff |
CSUExtEvents | CSU Extension - Programs for Ag Producers |
CSUExtNIDIS | CSU Extension - Updates from National Integrated Drought Information System |
CSUGilpinExtension | CSU Extension - Gilpin County Extension List |
CSUNRPartners | CSU Extension - CSU Natural Resource Partners |
Csuoutdoorclub | Promoting the outdoors through fun trips! |
Csuscaaep | [no description available] |
Csuspur_it_outage_notification | To help with communications with our non-CSU affiliates that occupy the Spur Campus |
Csutrackfans | Receive updates on how CSU Track Athletes are doing in competition |
Csuwebgroup | CSU Web Group |
Csuwriteslist | [no description available] |
Csuzoologyclub | CSU Zoology Club |
Curriculum | University Curriculum Committee communications |
CVID_journal_club | Announcements related to the Center for Vector-Borne and Infectious Diseases (CVID) Journal Club |
Cvmbs_finance_office | CVMBS Finance Office |
Cvmbs_grad | [no description available] |
Cwic-l | Colorado Wyoming INterpreter Coordinators |
Dancefaculty | Dance faculty list |
Darb_lab_l | [no description available] |
Dare-students | Students in DARE program |
Data_management | CSU Data Management Announcements |
Department_of_animal_sciences_stewards | [no description available] |
Dept_property_contacts | Capital Asset Managers |
Digitalhub | CLA's Center for Digital Humanities |
Disability_Club | List for student-led club of diverse people on campus who can come together to make a change and talk about experiences/living with a disability |
Dod_cr_listserv | Listserv for the DoD CRM community |
Drought-net-l | Drought-Net list-serv |
Dsa_eoc | [no description available] |
Dsa_mti_list | DSA Staff Who Teach |
Dsa_partners | [no description available] |
Dsa_staff | Listserv to communicate with Division of Student Affairs Employees |
DSAcommunications | DSA Communications Committee Listserv |
Dsasearchchair | [no description available] |
Dsasearchsupport | [no description available] |
Dsri_hpc | DSRI HPC Riviera |
Duo_phone_users | Communicate with users who use the Duo Phone Call authentication option. |
Durward_deskstaff | Durward student desk staff |
Dvmclubs | DVMClubs |
Eastern_BB | CSU Extension - Eastern Region List |
Echo360upgrade | Echo360 |
Ecoleaders | Listserv for the HDS Eco Leaders Program |
Econfaculty | Economics faculty list |
Econftustudents | FTU Students Attending CSU |
Econgta | Econ Graduate Teaching Assistants |
Econgti_list | [no description available] |
Economicsallgrad | Economics grad students |
Economicsap | Economics Admin Pro list |
Economicsretfac | [no description available] |
Economicssc | Economics state classified |
Economicstsfac | Economics instructors |
Economicsttt | Economics tenured & tenure track faculty |
Education-l | [no description available] |
Edwards_deskstaff | Edwards student desk staff |
Efg-l | Ecology Forest Group |
Ehs_losscontrol | EHS Loss Control |
Eid_maint_status | Warning messages for various eID processes |
Elcentronewsletter | El Centro News Letter |
Energy_club | [no description available] |
Energyirg-l | [no description available] |
Englishadminprolist | English Dept. Admin Pros |
Englishap | english admin professionals |
Englishccafaculty | [no description available] |
Englishcommunitylist | English Community List |
Englishdeptlist | English |
Englishexec | Executive Committee |
Englishgradcom | English Dept. Graduate Committee |
Englishgta | english gta's |
Englishretfac | english retired faculty |
Englishsc | english state classified staff |
Englishstaff | Mailing list for English admin staff |
Englishtalist | English Grad Teaching Assistants |
Englishtandp | English Dept. Tenure and Promotion Committee |
Englishtenuretrack | English Tenure Track Faculty |
Englishtsfac | english adjunct faculty |
Englishttt | English Tenured and tenure track faculty |
Englishundergradcom | English Undergraduate Committee |
Engr-1301hourly | Dean's Office Hourly List |
Engr-atshourly | ATS Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-cbehourly | [no description available] |
Engr-ceehourly | CEE Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-cirahourly | CIRA Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-ecehourly | ECE Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-mehourly | ME Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-sbmehourly | SBME Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Enrolservall | All employees of Enrollment Services |
Enzyme_rcn | Enzyme research network announcement list |
Eqsc_advisory_committee | [no description available] |
Erams_training | [no description available] |
Erl_facility | Occupants of the Equine Reproduction Laboratory |
Erl_mare | ERL Mare Group |
Es_faculty | Ethnic Studies Faculty |
ESBA_Customers | CSU Extension - Purchasers of Eating Smart-Being Active Materials curriculum |
ESBA_Program_Coordinator | CSU Extension - Listserv for ESBA Program Coordinators |
ESP_Members | CSU Extension - Members of Epsilon Sigma Phi |
Ess-affiliates | Affiliate Faculty for ESS |
Ess-outreach | For ESS Alumni Communications |
Ess-undergrads | ESS Emails to Undergraduate Students |
ESS_Club | Ecosystem Science & Sustainability Club |
Ethics-l | Ethics Colloquium and Events |
Ethnicstudiesaffiliates | for our faculty affiliates |
Ethnicstudiesall | All Ethnic Studies Lists |
Ethnicstudiesallgrad | Ethnic Studies grad students |
Ethnicstudiesap | ETST AP |
Ethnicstudiesassociates | CSU Faculty supporting Ethnic Studies |
Ethnicstudiescouncil | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesdonors | Donors to the Dept. |
Ethnicstudiesfriends | People interested in and supportive of the Ethnic Studies Department |
Ethnicstudiesgta | Ethnic Studies gta's |
Ethnicstudiesntt | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesofficestaff | office staff |
Ethnicstudiesretfac | Ethnic Studies retired faculty |
Ethnicstudiessc | State Classified Employees |
Ethnicstudiesstudents | This is a list of all current ethnic studies students |
Ethnicstudiestp | Ethnic Studies Tenure and Promotion List |
Ethnicstudiestt | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesundergrads | All current CSU Ethnic Studies majors and minors |
Ethorityacctrecon | Account Reconciliation Group for eThority |
Ethorityusers | Used to communicate important ethority information |
Etrc_facility | Equine Center Faculty and Staff |
Evolution_csu | researchers studying evolutionary biology |
Executiveleadershipteam | [no description available] |
Executiveleadershipteamassts | ELTAssts |
Fact_list | [no description available] |
Farmergroup | CSU Chemistry; Farmer group |
FDRSMembers | CSU Extension - Network of researchers, outreach and industry professionals in food systems |
Federatedauth | CSU Shibboleth and federated authentication issues |
Fgsn_list | First Generation Student Network |
Fieldornithologists | [no description available] |
Fields-wolfe_committee | Fields-Wolfe Scholarship Committee Members |
Financeclub | E-mailing list for the CSU Finance Club |
Firelab-l | Firelab distribution list |
Fizcolloq | Colloquium communication |
Fizfac | Physics - Interoffice Communication |
Fizgrad | Physics Grad Students |
Fizugrads | Physics Undergraduates |
Forlangadjuncts | Foreign Language Adjuncts |
Forlangdeptlist | Foreign Lang |
Forlangfaculty | Mailing list for Foreign Lang faculty |
Forlanggradstudents | Foreign Language Graduate Students |
Forlanggta | Current GTAs in Dept |
Forlangregfac | Foreign Lang full time faculty list |
Former_retired_fidelity | [no description available] |
Former_retired_tiaa_corebridge | [no description available] |
Former_serp | [no description available] |
Friends_of_hds | Retirees and Special "Friends" of HDS |
Friends_of_the_MMO | Mailing list for the Madison-Macdonald Observatory |
FrontRangeACUConnection | FRACUC |
FrontRangeBB | CSU Extension - Front Range Region Listserv |
Fruitfacts | Information for Colorado Fruitgrowers |
Fshngrad | Food Sci and Human Nut. Grad students. |
Ftu_cohort_9 | [no description available] |
Fwcb_adminfacstaff | FWCB AdminPro Faculty RA Staff |
Fwcb_advising | FWCB Advisors |
Fwcb_facadvisors | FWCB FAculty Advisors |
Fwcb_faculty | FWCB Faculty Listserv |
Fwcb_grads | FWCB Graduate Student Listserv |
Fwcb_postdocs | FWCB postdocs listserv |
Fwcb_seminar | FWCB Seminar Listserv |
G-rhaf | [no description available] |
GardenCentersCO | CSU Extension - Garden Centers of Colorado |
Gdpe-journalclub | Journal club for GDPE students |
Gdpe_announcements | Graduate Degree Program in Ecology guests |
Gdpe_gradreps | GDPE Grad Student Reps List |
Gdpe_grads | GDPE graduate student email list |
Gdpe_social | For non-official Graduate Degree Program in Ecology community announcments |
GDPEfaculty | GDPE faculty email list |
Gecbugclub | [no description available] |
Gefsoc_announce-l | GEFSOC Modeling System Announcements |
Gellercenter | Geller Center |
GenderPolitics | [no description available] |
Genomesci-wetlands | [no description available] |
Geospatial | GIS and other spatial technologies |
Geospatial_grad_students | Graduate students working with geospatial technologies |
GermanProgram | List for the German program for undergraduate students, faculty, and interested community members |
Ghalambor-angeloni | Members of the Ghalambor and Angeloni |
Gina_Robinson_Legal_Studies_Minors | [no description available] |
Glbtqfacstaff | [no description available] |
Global_n2o_database | Email list for communications regarding the Global N2O Database |
Globus-users | [no description available] |
Grad_JEDI_committee | GSC JEDI Committee |
Gram_list | [no description available] |
GreenhouseSupport | GreenhouseSupport |
GSC-announce | Graduate Student Council announcements list |
GSC-ASCSU-reps | Graduate Student Council ASCSU representatives list |
GSC-comm-reps | Graduate Student Council committee representatives list |
GSC-dept-reps | Graduate Student Council departmental representatives list |
Gscdepartmentreps | Graduate Student Council departmental representatives list Gscdepartmentreps [no description available] |
Guppygroup | Guppy researchers in 4 labs |
Hartshornoccupants | [no description available] |
Hds-hr-list | HDS-HR |
Hds_cam | HDS CAM Committee |
Hds_everyone | HDS staff only email list |
Hds_network_grp | Housing Networking Group |
Hdsf_es | [no description available] |
Hdsf_es_supervisors | [no description available] |
Hdsf_everyone | [no description available] |
Hdsf_leadership | [no description available] |
Hdsf_supervisors | Housing & Dining Facilities Supervisors & Leads |
Heritage_pilot | Heritage Tourism Pilot Project grant funds |
Hf_es_supervisors | [no description available] |
HICAHSadvisoryboard | HICAHS Advisory Board |
hicahsleadership | HICAHS Leadership group |
Hipaa_notice | Required Af/Ap benefits notice - HIPAA |
Hist_jobs | [no description available] |
Historyallgrad | History grad students |
Historygta | History gta's |
Historyretfac | History retired faculty |
Historystc | for state classifieds in History Dept. |
Historytsfac | History adjuncts |
Historyttt | History tenured & tenure track faculty |
Ho_dataspecialist | [no description available] |
Ho_dining_chefs | Mailing List for RDS Chefs |
Ho_dining_gm | General Managers |
Ho_dining_palmer | Dining Services Palmer Center Staff |
Ho_dining_studmgr | RDS Student Managers |
Ho_dining_supv | Dining Services Supervisors |
Ho_directors | Housing - Directors |
Ho_facilities_es | [no description available] |
Ho_food_mgr | Residential Dining Service |
Ho_olt | Operations Management Leadership Team |
Ho_omsupervisors | Housing and Dining Facilities Supervisors |
Ho_ops | Housing - Housing & Dining Facilities |
ho_palmer | Housing - Palmer |
Hoke-funk | Members of Hoke and Funk labs |
Holistic_Health_Alliance | Holistic Health Alliance student organization |
Hong-l | [no description available] |
Honors_faculty | [no description available] |
Hort | CSU Extension - Extension personnel with horticulture duties |
HorticultureClub | Horticulture Club's contact list |
Housing_apartment_team | [no description available] |
Housing_aptdeskstaff | [no description available] |
Housing_ARC | List for reorganizing of University Housing with new titles and supervisions lines |
Housing_camunity_team | New ownership and broadened recipiency list |
Housing_cc_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_cdm | [no description available] |
Housing_emergency_contact | [no description available] |
Housing_grad_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_halldeskstaff | [no description available] |
Housing_leadership | [no description available] |
Housing_oando | List for new section in department |
Housing_office_management | [no description available] |
Housing_palmer | [no description available] |
Housing_ra_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_RC | List for reorganizing of University Housing with new titles and supervisions lines |
Housing_rd | [no description available] |
Housing_rd_ard | [no description available] |
Housing_rd_rm | [no description available] |
Housing_residencehall_team | [no description available] |
Housing_rm_arm | [no description available] |
Housing_team | [no description available] |
Housingnavigator | [no description available] |
Hr_ben_alert | New Hire and Re-Hire Benefit Listing |
Hr_electronic_acceptance | [no description available] |
Hr_supervisors | [no description available] |
Hr_tms_notifications | [no description available] |
Hrs-benefits | HRS Benefits List |
Hrs-benefits-fap | Benefit-related info for faculty and admin pro |
Hrs-benefits-notification | [no description available] |
Hrs-benefits-ret | Retirement-eligible Fac/AP Employees |
Hrs-benefits-sc | For sending benefits-related info to state classified employees |
Hrs_anthem | A temporary listserv to service 2800 employees |
Hui_o_hawaii | Members of Hui 'O Hawai'i Club |
Hydrology.days1 | [no description available] |
HydrologyDays | [no description available] |
Iasc-l | [no description available] |
Ids_board | IDS Board |
Ids_faculty | IDS Faculty |
Ids_students | IDS Students |
Ieee-colostate | CSU's IEEE student branch |
IFCW-PRU | CSU Extension - Team listserv for Individual, Family and Community Well-Being PRU |
ILA_Major | [no description available] |
ILab_users | [no description available] |
Incidentmanagementadhoc | [no description available] |
InclusiveExcellenceCouncil | List for the Inclusive Excellence Council, formerly known as the Equity and Inclusion Network |
India | India Group |
Industry-l | [no description available] |
Ingersoll_deskstaff | Ingersoll student desk staff |
Inst-l | International Studies Major Listserv |
InstituteForEntrepreneurship | Opportunities for entrepreneurs at CSU |
Insular-areas-2018meeting | Insular Areas 2018 Meeting |
internationalfs | List for international faculty and staff support network and organizing events at CSU |
Intl_faculty | faculty/staff with international interests |
Intlstaff | Intl Programs Employees |
ipwg_ml_wg | Mailing list for the IPWG ML working group |
Is-maint-l | Information Systems Server Availability and Maintenance |
Ispe_email_list | [no description available] |
Istp_10 | [no description available] |
its-lab | ITS Lab |
Iucouncil | Intra University Council |
Iulabmanage | for the managers |
Iulabstaff | for the computer labs |
Jbp_project_managers | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Project Management Team. |
Jbp_project_sponsors | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the project's sponsors. |
Jbp_project_team | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the project team. |
Jbp_project_team_accounts_receivable | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Accounts Receivable Team. |
Jbp_project_team_admissions | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Admissions Team. |
Jbp_project_team_financial_aid | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Financial Aid Team. |
Jbp_project_team_it | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the IT Team. |
Jbp_project_team_registrar | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Registrar Team. |
JBP_Stakeholder_Testing | Joint Banner Project Stakeholder Testing |
jmc-capstone | Email listserv for JMC Capstone |
Journalism_mcmm | [no description available] |
Journalismallgrad | Journalism grad students |
Journalismgradms | JTC MS students |
Journalismgradphd | JTC PhD students |
Journalismretfac | Journalism retired faculty |
Jtc460capstonesp16 | Communicate with students in all six capstone sections |
Jtcgradcommittee | Graduate committee for JTC Dept |
K12_partnership | NREL's K-12 outreach partnership |
Kayak_club | CSU whitewater kayak club |
Keyadvisers | Key Academic Advisers in Each Department |
Keymanagers | University department key managers |
Keystudentambassadors | Key Student Ambassadors |
Krummelresearch | Krummel Research |
L-Range | L-Range Family of Models |
Lab_air_quality_research | [no description available] |
Ladlc_officers | Liberal Arts Dean's Leadership Council Officers |
Lamphost-cwis | [no description available] |
Laqr-l | [no description available] |
Lasso-l | [no description available] |
Latinstudies | Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
Latinx_gradstudents | [no description available] |
Latinxfacstaff | [no description available] |
Leap_alums | CSU Mailing List for LEAP Alumni |
Leap_minor | Undergrad Minors in LEAP |
Leap_students | Students enrolled in LEAP courses |
Leapfaculty | LEAP program instructors and staff |
Learningcommunities | CSU Learning Communities Email List |
Learnserv | Service Learning Curriculum Model |
Lic_longmont_preceptors | [no description available] |
Limited-submissions | CSU Limited Submission Announcements |
Lions-mm | [no description available] |
Livegreen | Live Green Sustainability Team |
Llc-curriculum | curriculum committee LLC |
LMS-Coordinators | Learning Management System Coordinators at CSU. |
LocalFood | CSU Extension - Extension Local Foods initiative |
LocalFoodEconomics | CSU Extension - CSU Local Food Economics |
Lrose-devel | LROSE Software Development |
Lrose-help | [no description available] |
Lrose-users | [no description available] |
Lsc_bus_partners | Third-party vendors in the Lory Student Center |
Lsc_food_partners | LSC Food Partners |
Lsc_svc_partners | Other offices located in the Lory StudentCenter |
Lv_deskstaff | LV student desk staff |
Mag-l | [no description available] |
Manrrs-l | The National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences, CSU Chapter |
Map-erc | Mountains and Plains Education and Research Center |
Marketingclub | CSU Marketing Club |
Matchemjclub | Solid State Materials Chemistry Journal Club |
Mayolabfieldwork | Field work communications |
Mcin-faculty | Faculty members of the Neuroscience Program |
Mcin-gradstudents | Graduate students in the Neuroscience Program |
Mcin-postdocs | [no description available] |
Mckay_lab_cas | [no description available] |
Mcmmdenver | [no description available] |
ME_aerospace | [no description available] |
Me_undergrads | ME Undergraduate Students |
Mecontrolsvolunteers | [no description available] |
MedfordLab | Medford Lab |
Meg-l | [no description available] |
MEG-Workshops | Workshops Sponsored by the Microbial Ecology Group |
Megalab-l | megalab announcements |
Mena-l | Middle East North African Studies |
Mexicocenter | [no description available] |
Mgolfemails | [no description available] |
Microbiome_network | Microbiome Network |
Microbiome_network_faculty | CSU Faculty of the Microbiome Network |
Microbiosa | Communication among members of the Microbiology Student Association |
Mip_micro | Microbiology facility employees |
Mongolianrangelands | interdisciplinary team on studying community based rangeland management in Mongolia |
Morrislab_list | Internal Morris Lab Communication |
Mppa_onlinestudents | [no description available] |
Mrsec-l | [no description available] |
Mtddeptap | MTD Admin Proffesionals |
Mtddeptgta | [no description available] |
Mtddeptlist | MTD combined faculty-staff |
Mtddeptsc | MTD State Classified |
Mtddepttsfac | MTD Adjunct Continuing Contract |
Mtddeptttt | MTD Tenure-Track and Tenured |
Mtdfaculty | MTD dept faculty list |
Mtdstaff | MTD dept staff list |
MtnRegionBB | CSU Extension - Mountain Region Listserv |
MtnSentinels | MTSENT |
MtnSentinels_earlycareer | MSEC |
MUGSS_list | MUGSS mentee listserv |
Multiculturalstaffandfacultynetwork | [no description available] |
Multiethnicfacultystaff | MultiEthnic Faculty and Staff |
Munsky_group | Listserv for Munsky research group |
Museumsecurity | [no description available] |
Musicfaculty | Music faculty list |
Musictenured | Music P&T committee |
Myhr-notifications | Important Notices from Human Resources |
Nature-and-health-northern-colorado | Nature and Health Northern Colorado |
Ncpost-board | NC POST Board Members |
Ncpost-l | POST Training |
NeuroSciMRI | CSU MRI Users |
Neversummer | Never Summer 100k |
Newsom_deskstaff | Newsom student desk staff |
NGM-L | NGM Clinical Research Study List |
NGS_announcements | Announcements related to next generation sequencing at CSU |
Nicaragua_travelers | participants on the nicaragua travel program |
Nistcoe_grad_postdocs | For NIST-COE Graduate Students and Post Docs |
noco-cores | A listserv for communicating CORES-relevant subject matter |
Nrcc | Updates from WCNR Career Services |
NREL_seminars | NREL and ESS seminars |
Nrms-list | Natural Resource Manageent Society student club |
Nrs-l | Natural Resources and Sustainability Learning Community Listserv |
NSF_Felidae | [no description available] |
Oc-leaders | CSU Outing Club Leadership Mail List |
ODPN_members | [no description available] |
Ods_l | CSU Enterprise Data Warehouse |
Oeo_self_id | [no description available] |
Oie-studentsuccessadvisorycouncil | United In STEMM points of contact for each unit. |
OIEStudentSuccessAdvisoryCouncil | List to connect all academic associate deans and students affairs personnel responsible for DEI initiatives |
Olpc-phd-2014 | OLPC - PHD - 2014 Cohort |
Olpc-phd-2016 | OLPC PhD 2016 |
Olpc-phd-2018 | [no description available] |
Olpc-phd-2020 | [no description available] |
One_health_institute_cctsi | [no description available] |
One_health_institute_ohsac | [no description available] |
Onehealth | Communication for the One Health club at CSU |
Onish-journalclub | Nishimura BMB journal club |
Onishimuralab | [no description available] |
Oracle_hrms_leave | HRMS Leave Listserv |
Oracle_hrms_users | HRMS User Listserv |
Ordnews | Ordination-multivariate methods in community ecology |
Organic_garden | Gardening Group |
Orientationadvisors | Academic Advisors for Orientation Sessions |
Ornaent | Ornamental Entomology |
Oura-undergraduateresearch | Info regarding undergraduate research programs |
Outingclub | CSU Outdoor Club |
Owsi-staff-l | [no description available] |
Ozone-cluster | [no description available] |
Parent-family | For parents of CSU students |
Parmelee_deskstaff | Parmelee student desk staff |
Pathologyrounds | Pathology Rounds |
Paton_lab | [no description available] |
Pestcom | chemical pesticide residues |
Pestserv-l | nursery turf & landscape professionals no-digests no-archives |
Phcdelegate | To provide communication between chapter delegates |
Phdbrighton-12 | [no description available] |
Phideltatheta | Phi Delt Discussion List |
Philosophyallgrad | Philosophy grad students |
Philosophyap | [no description available] |
Philosophyexec | Philosophy Executive Committee |
Philosophyfriends | [no description available] |
Philosophygta | Philosophy GTAs |
Philosophynewgta | [no description available] |
PhilosophyPedagogy | To communicate with members of the philosophy department pedagogy group who meet to discuss better approaches to teaching |
Philosophyretfac | Philosophy retired faculty |
Philosophyreturngta | [no description available] |
Philosophysc | Philosophy state classified staff |
Philosophytp | Philosophy T&P Committee |
Philosophytsfac | Philosophy adjunct faculty |
Philosophyttt | Philosophy tenured & tenure track faculty |
Physicspcards | [no description available] |
Physio_bldg | Includes all occupants of the Physio |
Pinnaclemembers | For students who are members of Pinnacle Honor Society |
Plainsyearfaculty | [no description available] |
Plantbiology | Program in Molecular Plant Biology Complete List |
Plantsupergroup | For plant biology researchers at CSU |
Pmdenverfa16 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa17 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa18 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa19 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp16 | Project Management Certificate Denver Spring 2016 |
Pmdenversp17 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp18 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp19 | [no description available] |
Pmfortcollinsfa16 | [no description available] |
Pmusersgroup | PMUG |
Polisciallgrad | Political Science grad students |
Poliscidept | [no description available] |
Poliscigta | Political Science dept gtas |
Poliscisc | Political Science state classified staff |
Poliscitsfac | Political Science adjuncts |
Poliscittt | Political Science tenured & tenure track faculty |
Power-outages | [no description available] |
Pre_law_club | Pre Law Club Communication |
Precip_2016 | [no description available] |
Prehealth | Prehealth profession advising |
PrescribedFire_Group | Prescribed Fire Working Group |
Prevetadvisers | Regional pre-vet advisers |
Priderc_newsletter | Pride Resource Center Newsletter |
Proctors | Building proctors |
Professional_womens_apparel | Professional women's apparel |
Programmingstaff | a communication tool for programmers across campusin different offices |
Prs_faculty | Peace and Reconciliation program faculty list |
Prs_students | Peace and Reconciliation Program Students |
Psichi_psa | Psi Chi & PSA |
Psm-ns-bda | Official list for PSM in Biological Data Analytics |
Psminformation | [no description available] |
Psmstudentrep | [no description available] |
Publichealth | Public health students and faculty |
Publichealth-faculty | Public health affiliated faculty issues |
Q-bio | q-bio researches at CSU |
Qbio16_can | [no description available] |
Qbio16_cbs | [no description available] |
Qbio16_sgr | [no description available] |
Ramct-coordinators | RamCT Coordinators from all colleges and areas at CSU |
Rams-Organizing-for-Animal-Rights | List for student organization to contact CSU and community members |
rams_model | CSU RAMS Model Users List |
Ramsforbernie | [no description available] |
RDC_newsletter | [no description available] |
Ready_csu_newsletter | [no description available] |
Real_1819 | [no description available] |
Recindoorcycling | [no description available] |
Recmindbody | [no description available] |
Regdars_list | Registars office personnel concerned with DARS AppWorx Jobs |
Regdirectory_list | Registars office personnel concerned with the creating of the Student Directory file |
Reggrdchg-athl_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-csph_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-degr_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-grad_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-vet_list | Grade change notifications |
RegionalHemp | CSU Extension - Issues related to growing, marketing, and selling hemp and hemp products |
Regsched_list | Registars office personnel who schedule AppWorx Jobs |
Regwthd-aro_list | Withdrawal notifications to Accounts Receivable. |
Regwthd-athletics_list | Withdrawal notifications to Student Athletics. |
Regwthd-casemgmt_list | Withdrawal notifications to Case Management. |
Regwthd-dvm_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Vet Med program. |
Regwthd-gradschl_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Graduate School. |
Regwthd-housing_list | Withdrawal notifications to Housing. |
Regwthd-insurance_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Health Network Insurance. |
Regwthd-intl_list | Withdrawal notifications to International Programs |
Regwthd-veteran_list | Withdrawal notifications to Veterans Benefits. |
Research_safety | [no description available] |
Researchit_announcements | Research IT announcements: News, Conferences and Professional Development |
Restoration | Regional Restoration Ecology jobs and events |
Rha_nrhh_cabinet | RHA and NRHH cabinet staff |
Rl_ramorientation | [no description available] |
Rl_summerdeskstaff | [no description available] |
Rl_summersession | [no description available] |
RMACseminar | RMAC Seminar |
Robocup-l | CSU Small Size Robot Soccer (RoboCup) team |
Rockymtnvets | The Rocky Mountain Coalition for Veteran Support Services listserv |
Rs-hydrology | [no description available] |
Rsmj | Research Society on Marijuana |
Saf_AlphaChapter | CSU Society of American Foresters Alpha Chapter |
Safe-l | Student Association for Fire Ecology |
Safecenter_newsletter | [no description available] |
SAFEprostaff | List to ensure more streamlined processes can focus fully on supporting survivors on campus |
SAHE-Students_RI | Unified distribution list for students in the SAHE MS program |
Sahe_online | [no description available] |
Saheadvisors | SAHE Advisors Group |
Sahealumni | SAHE alumni list |
Sahefaculty | SAHE faculty members |
Sahesupervisors | SAHE Supervisors |
Savma_exec | [no description available] |
Scavma_exec | Members of the SCAVMA Executive Board |
SCC | [no description available] |
Scf | Special Course Fees Contact List |
Sciencepolicy | Science in Action club |
Scs_seminar | [no description available] |
Seapol-request | [no description available] |
SEColo_Tourism | CSU Extension - SE Colo Tourism & Economic |
Shejumpscsu | Connect with other women in the outdoors! |
Shpe_csu_list | [no description available] |
Shrmcsuchapter | CSU Student Chapter of The Society of Human Resource Management |
Sigma-xi-csu-active | List of active Sigma Xi members @ CSU |
Sims | Spatial info management minors |
Singleparentstudents | For CSU student parents |
Slice_list | [no description available] |
Small_Farms | CSU Extension - Issues related to small farms in Colo |
Smile_activities | Activities for the UV |
SMTDHRteam | [no description available] |
Snow_club | ski and snowboard club |
Sociodeptlist | Sociology Department List |
Sociologyaffiliates | [no description available] |
Sociologyallgrad | Sociology grad students |
Sociologyap | Sociology admin professionals |
Sociologyccafaculty | Contract, Continuing, and Adjunct Faculty |
Sociologydcm | Sociology Dept. Council Members |
Sociologygraduatecoordinator | [no description available] |
Sociologygta | Sociology gta's |
sociologygti | [no description available] |
Sociologyphd | [no description available] |
Sociologyretfac | Sociology retired and other faculty |
Sociologysc | Sociology state classified staff |
Sociologytenuredfaculty | [no description available] |
Sociologyttt | Sociology tenured & tenure track faculty |
Socr_grads | [no description available] |
Softballmedia | [no description available] |
Soges_sustainability_leadership_fellows_list | SoGES SLF list |
Soil-innovation-lab | [no description available] |
Som-bsf | [no description available] |
Som_ascfaculty | [no description available] |
som_ASCpreceptors | Contact list for fourth year preceptors |
som_DOCSpreceptors | Contact list for third year preceptors |
som_emergency | Emergency contact list for med students working in clinic and hospital |
som_fcbranch | Contact list for volunteers that aren't currently active in the medical school program |
som_LICpreceptors | Contact list for second year volunteer preceptors |
Somadmin | [no description available] |
Sonia_atmos_group | [no description available] |
SOURCE_External | List for external users that have have signed up for SOURCE |
Southern_BB | CSU Extension - Southern Region List |
SPAN-L | CSU Extension - South Platte Ag Nutrient Committee |
Spanishforlang | Spanish professors and instructors |
Spanishsi | Spanish Special Instructors |
Speaker_list | SAFE Center Speaker's Collective |
Spin-l | [no description available] |
Sports_medicine_rounds | [no description available] |
Ssi_participants | Summer Soil Institute Participants |
Ssi_staff | Summer Soil Institute Staff |
SSTeamList | CSU Extension - Shooting Sports Team List |
STEM_for_Kids | STEM for Kids RSO Volunteer general mailing list |
STEM_Outreach | CSU STEM Education and Outreach |
stepp_students_alumni | The School of Education - Educator Preparation |
Storms-l | [no description available] |
Stormwater | Stormwater stakeholders list for CLEAN Project |
Streambank | Stream Bank stakeholders list for CLEAN Project |
Studentparents | Information and resources for student parents |
Studyabroadalumni | Events and opportunities for Study Abroad Returnees |
Stuhealthins | SHIP Parent Reminders |
Subnet-managers | Subnet managers list |
Summersoilinstitute2012 | Communication list for summer course |
Summit-users | [no description available] |
Summit_deskstaff | Summit student desk staff |
superchickens | [no description available] |
Supervisors | Housing - Supervisors |
Survey_jtc300 | Random sample of students for survey |
Susadmins | SUS Admins |
Swimmingmedia | [no description available] |
Tadpoles-mm | [no description available] |
Task1_developmentofin-coreplatform | [no description available] |
Task2_in-core_outreach_and_sustainability | [no description available] |
Task3_mitigation_and_recovery | [no description available] |
Task4_verification_and_validation_of_in-core | [no description available] |
Task5_modeling_of_complex_systems | [no description available] |
Task6_modeling_of_interdependencies_and_propagation_of_uncertainty | [no description available] |
Tenuredfaculty | English Dept. professors and associate professors |
Tesl | TESL/TEFL Program graduate student/faculty list |
Testlist181 | [no description available] |
Textgeneratorsandteachingwriting | AI Generated Text Discussion |
TGEC_list | Temple Grandin Equine Center |
Theatrefaculty | Theatre dept faculty |
Thepolicyconnection | Policy office newsletter |
Thewildlifesociety | CSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society |
Thorguard_alerts | [no description available] |
Thousandcankers | Discussion of thousand cankers disease of walnut |
Tnc_2022_advisory_board | TNC 2022 Advisory Board |
Tnc_consortium | TNC Consortium |
Travel_arrangers | Communicate updates to Electronic Travel Module |
Tri-beta-honors | TriBetaCSU |
Tt_fac | [no description available] |
Ttc_training | Technology Training Center Listserv |
Ucp-l | [no description available] |
Ucpadmin-l | [no description available] |
Underlangconc | Listserv for undergraduate language concentration |
Unix-L | IAC Unix Advisory Group |
UrbanForestryServ | List for urban forestry communities managers / tree boards to communicate about related topics |
Urbansustainability | Fort Collins Urban Sustainability Research Network |
USMA | US Metric Association |
Uwin-l | [no description available] |
Uwin-network | Entire UWIN Network |
Veteranstudents | A mechanism for veteran students to connect with each other |
Vibe | [no description available] |
VICS-L | Veterinary Infection Control Society |
Victimasst | Victim Assistance Team Volunteers |
Von_fischer_lab | For official lab group communication |
Vpdiversity | This will be a listserv we use to send out correspondence of current happenings |
Vpsa-sad | VPSA Student Affairs Directors |
Vpuo_staff | Listserv for Vice President for University Operations staff |
VTH-contagious-dz-alert | Contagious Disease Awareness at CSU-VTH |
vth-salmonella-alert | Provides alerts about Salmonella shedding in VTH Patients |
Vth_anatpath | Faculty and Staff in the VTH |
Vth_ap | VetTeaching Hos-Admin-Pro |
Vth_clinics | Clinicians and technicians on VTH duty |
Vth_intern | Interns at the VTH |
W-admin-officers | WAAESD- W. Administrative Officers |
W-ahs | WAAESD- W Agricultural Deans |
W-apdirs | WAAESD- W Academic Prog. Directors |
W-caret | WAAESD Western CARET |
W-comm | WAAESD- Western Region Communications Strategy Steering Committee |
W-executive-committee | WAAESD Executive Committee |
W-mrc | WAAESD- Multistate Research Committee |
W-nimms | WAAESD- AA List in NIMMS |
W-waaesd | [no description available] |
W-water | WAAESD-Western Water Network |
Wacnews-l | WAC Clearinghouse Announcements List |
Wallenstein_lab | announcements for the Wallenstein lab group |
Wasc-l | Warner Academic Support Collaborative |
Wastewater | Wastewater stakeholders for research groups |
Water_faculty_csu | Water Faculty at CSU |
Wbb_media | [no description available] |
Wcnr_international | [no description available] |
Wcrc-rogersmesa_producers | [no description available] |
Wcrc-rogersmesa_public | [no description available] |
Webfocus_student | Collaboration for WebFOCUS student reporting |
Webfocusfinancehr | [no description available] |
Webfocuspowerusers | [no description available] |
Webfocusreports | WebFocus_Campus_Reporting_Tool |
Western-COO | WAAESD W-AES Chief Officers |
WesternBB | CSU Extension - Western Region List |
Westfall_deskstaff | Westfall student desk staff |
Wgac_alumni | [no description available] |
WGAC_newsletter | [no description available] |
Wgcollaborative_list | Communication through the Women & Gender Collaborative |
Wgolfemails | [no description available] |
Williams-group | Williams Research Group, Chemistry Dept. |
Williams-lab | Williams Research Group, Chemistry Dept. |
willislabcsu | Willis Lab / CSU Chemistry |
Windowsadmins | Windows Advisory Group |
Women-faculty | Standing Committee on the Status of Women Faculty |
Women_env_list | School of Global Environmental Sustainability Women Population and the Environment Working Group |
Womengender | a graduate seminar list |
WomenPlus_CSFS | List to communicate with members in the WomenPlus subcommittee for the DEI group |
Wr-outreach | For grads and alumni of the Watershed Science Program |
WritingAnalytics-L | Discussion of Writing Analytics Tools and Methods |
Wsaffiliates | women's studies affiliate instructors |
Wsalllists | [no description available] |
Wsboardfaculty | combined list of board members and faculty |
Wsboardmembers | Women's Studies board members |
Wscoe_labtours | [no description available] |
Wsfacultyaffiliates | Women's Studies faculty and affiliates |
Wsfriendsof | friends of Women's Studies |
Wsntt-l | [no description available] |
Wsstudents | Women's Studies Certificate Students |
yoga_on_the_oval | List for ongoing informal group of on-campus CSU personnel with an outdoor yoga experience |
Zerowasteteam | [no description available] |
Zms_list | [no description available] |
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