Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
1styearsahe | 1st Year SAHE |
2016scholars | [no description available] |
2023-cla-leadership-development-institute | [no description available] |
2ndyearsahe | 2nd Year SAHE |
4HPrograms | CSU Extension - Updates on the Colorado 4-H programs |
Academic_support_coordinators | For communication between Academic Success Coordinators |
Acc_all | Animal Cancer Center Distribution List |
Accion-list | Accion List |
Active_fidelity | [no description available] |
Active_serp | [no description available] |
Active_tiaa_corebridge | [no description available] |
Acua-l | Listserv for Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Affairs |
AdminBB | CSU Extension - All Extension Staff List |
AdministrationBldg | AdminBldg |
Aerosolmatters | All matters related to aerosols or fine particles |
Aes_projects_pi | AES Project PIs |
Aes_rc_adminpros | Administrative professional personnel in the agricultural experiment station research centers |
Aes_rc_mgrs_supers | Managers and superintendents of ag. experiment; station research centers |
Aes_rc_pis | Principal Investigators at Ag Experiment Station Research Centers |
Af-ap_benefits_oe | General Faculty benefits open enrollment |
Aflh_list | Literary List |
africangraduatestudents | List to help support student engagement, create community, and facilitate communications between African Graduate Students Organization members and its affiliates at CSU |
AFS_fishingderby | AFS Fishing Derby |
AFS_list | American Fisheries Society Student Subunit |
Ag_directors_co_wy | Annual Giving Directors in Colorado and Wyoming Schools/Universities |
Agdg-list | Animal Geneticist's Discussion |
Aggieecoleaders | [no description available] |
AgLenders | CSU Extension - Agriculture Lenders List |
AgPRU | List for CSU Extension to combine multiple working groups into one large agriculture focused group |
Agroecolab-l | CSU agroecology group |
Agwaternews | Agricultural Water Conservation Clearninghouse News |
AI_Safety_Security | List to bring researchers, academicians and practitioners who are interested in the safety and security of Artificial Intelligence |
Aia_academics | Academia Industry Alliance academic mailing list |
Aia_industry | Academia Industry Alliance industry mailing list |
Alig-list | Active Learning Interest Group |
All_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Allison_deskstaff | Allison Student Desk Staff |
Allsahestudents | [no description available] |
Alumnicoordinatingcouncil | Alumni and colleges coordinate programs |
Amplify_main | [no description available] |
Amplify_spanish | [no description available] |
Amplify_tech | [no description available] |
Amplify_tp | [no description available] |
Amplify_w | [no description available] |
Analyticalchem_students | [no description available] |
Animal_Users | Animal Users |
Animaladvocacy | We advocate on behalf of animals |
Animalbreeding_genetics | [no description available] |
ANRBB | CSU Extension - Ag and Natural Resources |
Ansible_list | Ansible configuration management mailing list |
Anth_emeritus | anthropology and geography emeriti |
Anth_full_profs | [no description available] |
Anth_online_instructors | all online ANTH and GR instructors |
Anthropologyaff | Department of Anthropology Affiliates |
Anthropologyallgrad | Anthropology grad student list |
Anthropologygta | Anthropology gta list |
Anthropologytsfac | Anthropology special and temporary instructors |
Anthropologyttt | Tenured and Tenure Track professors |
Apacc_newsletter | [no description available] |
Apc_area1 | Ap Council |
Apc_area10 | Ap Council |
Apc_area11 | Ap Council |
Apc_area12 | Ap Council |
Apc_area13 | Ap Council |
Apc_area14 | Ap Council |
Apc_area15 | Ap Council |
Apc_area16 | AP Council Area 16 |
Apc_area2 | Ap Council |
Apc_area3 | Ap Council |
Apc_area4 | Ap Council |
Apc_area5 | Ap Council |
Apc_area6 | Ap Council |
Apc_area7 | Ap Council |
Apc_area8 | Ap Council |
Apc_area9 | Ap Council |
Apc_ra | APC Research Associates |
Apcouncil | Administrative Professional Council |
Apcouncil_alt | alternate members to the apc |
Aphi_list | Animal Population Health Institute |
Apo-l | Alpha Phi Omega |
Appliedfaculty | Music Applied Teachers |
Arbl_bldg | Occupants of the ARBL Building |
ARBL_Seminar | ARBL Seminar Series |
arc-list | ARC user list |
arc-stockroom | ARC Stockroom list |
Aries_ar_users | Aries Banner Accounts Receivable Users |
Ariesprojectteam | ARIES Project Team e-Mail List |
Artsmanagementttt | [no description available] |
Ascsu_elections_committee | CSU Student Government Elections Committee |
Asirelampago | [no description available] |
Asme_board | CSU ASME Board Members |
Athleticadmin | CSU Athletics Administration |
Atmos-poster-printer | [no description available] |
Atmos-sysadmin-pool | [no description available] |
Ats-atsissa | [no description available] |
Ats-cira-dei | [no description available] |
Ats-outreach | [no description available] |
Ats-rasmussen-group | [no description available] |
Ats-tropical | [no description available] |
Ats712_2018 | [no description available] |
Ats_chui-group | [no description available] |
Av_deskstaff | AV Student desk staff |
AVEPM-L | Official communication for the Association for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine |
Banner_BCM_Users | Banner BCM Stakeholders |
Bdlalumni | Alumni of the Business Diversity and Leadership Alliance |
Bell_atmos_group | [no description available] |
Belowground | soil ecology mega-lab |
Bio_psmstu | Professional Science Master's Students |
Bio_ugradmentoring | [no description available] |
Biochemistryclub | Biochemistry Club List |
Bioenergy | Bioenergy researchers at CSU |
Biology_plantgrowthchambers | [no description available] |
Biomimetics-l | [no description available] |
Bmb-allfac | [no description available] |
Bmb-orders | [no description available] |
Bmb_idea | [no description available] |
Bmbadmin | Biochemistry Admin Staff |
Bmbfaculty | Biochemistry Faculty |
Bmbgradstu | Biochemistry graduate students |
Bmbstaff | Biochemistry lab staff |
Bms_affiliates | [no description available] |
Bms_gradstudents | [no description available] |
BoCo_Small_Acreage | CSU Extension - Issues related to small acreage land in Boulder County |
BoCo_Small_Farms | CSU Extension - Issues related to small farms in Boulder County |
Boettcher | Boettcher Scholars |
Bookstore-generalbooks | Newsletter announcements specials |
Braiden_deskstaff | Braiden student desk staff |
Bus-fin | Business & Financial Services listserv |
Business-test-mm | [no description available] |
Businessdiversity | For Business Diversity and Leadership Alliance members |
C2c-list | C2C news updates |
c3loud-ex | listserv for C3LOUD-Ex field campaign |
Caad | Committee of Associate and Assistant Deans |
Caag-l | College and Administration Advisory |
CADirectors | CSU Extension - Extension County Directors |
CAE4-HA | CSU Extension - Colorado Association of Extension 4-H Agents List |
Cahoon-lab | [no description available] |
Callaramsupervisors | Call a Ram |
Campusfeminist | [no description available] |
Capac-l | CAPAC Campus Procedural User Group |
Cardaccess | Distribution list for card access information |
Career-internship | Best practices and information about internship administration |
Carenews_list | [no description available] |
Casa_web | CASA's webteam |
Casaadvise | CASA's Advising Website E-Mil Address |
CASIDEA_List | List to distribute detailed information about inclusion, diversity, and equity initiatives in the College of Agricultural Sciences |
ccam_list | [no description available] |
Ccapromotioncommittee | [no description available] |
Ccd_alumni | Alumni of CSU Counseling & Career Development |
CCRG_Core | Colorado Conflict Reduction Group |
CEAFCSMembers | CSU Extension - Members of the Colorado Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences |
Cemml-jobs | e-mail applicants regarding open CEMML positions |
Centurydaycent-l | Listserv for Century and DayCent Users |
Cerser-l | SER-Rocky Mountains Listserv |
ces_summer_allison | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Allison Hall |
ces_summer_av | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with AV |
ces_summer_campus | List for all campus members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_corbett | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Corbett Hall |
ces_summer_durrell | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Durrell Center |
ces_summer_durward | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Durward Hall |
ces_summer_edwards | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Edwards Hall |
ces_summer_guarantees | List for all Guarantees members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_guesthousing | List for all Guest Housing members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_HDS | List for all HDS members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_housingroster | List for all Housing Roster members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_ingersoll | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Ingersoll Hall |
ces_summer_LSC | List for all LSC members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_MAC | List for all MAC members to receive CES summer updates |
ces_summer_newsom | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Newsom Hall |
ces_summer_pavilion | List for CES summer communications for all Pavilion partners |
ces_summer_summit | List for posting important messages / info regarding summer events / conferences to those associated with Summit Hall |
ces_summer_westfall | List for CES summer communications for all Westfall partners |
ces_summer_whatson | List for CES summer communications for all CES campus partners that receive What's On Reports |
Cesm-fsrc-workshop | [no description available] |
Cesuupdates | CESU-Sponsored Program Office Updates |
Cfats_list | Center for Fair and Alternative Trade Studies |
Cfd-l | Computational Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Laboratory |
CHCC_Core | To communicate with the CHCC members |
CHCC_Public | To communicate with the CHCC audience |
Chem-instructors | Distribution List for Chemistry instructors |
Chem-postdocs | Distribution list for Chemistry postdocs |
Chem-twic | [no description available] |
Chem111-instructors | Instructors for Chem 111 |
Chem111-tas | Teaching assistants for Chem 111 |
Chem113-instructors | Instructors for Chem 113 |
Chrac_members | [no description available] |
Cif-mass-spec | CIF mass spec facility email list |
Cira_all | [no description available] |
Cira_aviation | [no description available] |
Cira_fc | [no description available] |
Cira_noaa | [no description available] |
Cira_ra-rs-pd | [no description available] |
CIRA_SLIDER | Information about CIRA's (RAMMB) SLIDER new releases, status, and user requests |
CIRA_TC | CIRA Tropical Cyclones listserv |
Cira_weather_briefing | [no description available] |
civilstudents | Civil Eng undergrad and grad students |
Cla-asc | [no description available] |
Cla-firstgen-executive | CLA first generation executive committee members |
Cla-goldcurriculum | [no description available] |
Cla-greencurriculum | [no description available] |
Claccafaculty | [no description available] |
Cladeansccafaculty | [no description available] |
cladeptcommunicators | [no description available] |
Clagradcouncilsupport | [no description available] |
Clagradstucouncil | [no description available] |
Clainternshipcoord | [no description available] |
Claonlinecoords | [no description available] |
Clarkoccupants | [no description available] |
Classof2025 | [no description available] |
Classof2026 | [no description available] |
Classof2027_som | [no description available] |
classof2028_som | Contact list for class of 2028 med students |
Clean_pi_list | CLEAN Center PIs |
Clean_sac | CLEAN Project Sci Adv Cmte |
Clean_staff | CLEAN Center STaff |
Clery_compliance_info | Campus Security Authority info |
Climatechange | [no description available] |
CloverleafWorkgroup | CSU Extension - Cloverleafworkgroup |
CMB-Code-Club | List to announce time and room changes for the quantitative CMB and DSCI graduate participants of the code club |
cmb_csu | Cell & Molecular Biology Program Announcements |
CMB_fa | Faculty in the Cell & Molecular Biology Program |
Cmfa16-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa17-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa18-l | [no description available] |
Cmfa19-l | [no description available] |
Cn_faculty | Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty in Psychology |
Cn_students | Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Students |
Cnhp_2017_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_2021_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_outreach | This is a general outreach email |
Cnhp_riparian_restoration | CNHP Riparian Restoration |
Cnhp_siegele_interns | [no description available] |
Cnhp_volunteers | Used to communicate with volunteers |
Cns_biolab | CNS Computer Lab - Internal Use |
Cns_wins-l | CNS Women in Natural Sciences |
Cnslc-general | [no description available] |
Cnslc-main | [no description available] |
Cnslc-outreach | [no description available] |
Cnslc-outreach-tech | [no description available] |
Cnslc-spanish | [no description available] |
Cnslc-sustainability | [no description available] |
Cnslc-tech | [no description available] |
CO-Assessment | A collaborative space for sharing resources about student learning outcomes assessment, institutional assessment, and program evaluation |
CO_EFNEP | CSU Extension - List for the EFNEP group to communicate |
COAnniesProject | CSU Extension - Annie's Project in Colorado |
COB-GLC | College of Business Global Leadership Council |
Cob_fast | College of Business Finance and Admin Support |
Codex_seminar | Mailing list for the CodEx Semianr |
CoE-EAP | Separate list for external assessment panel members |
Coefreshman | [no description available] |
Coegtf_list | [no description available] |
Coisa-l | Receive updates about our cultural events |
Colorado_wetland_listserv | COWetlands |
Coloradoagrivoltaics | Colorado Agrivoltaics Listserve |
Coloradohisto | Colorado State Histotechnology Group |
Commstudiescca | [no description available] |
Commstudiesma | Comm Studies MA Students |
Commstudiesphd | Comm Studies PhD Students |
Commstudiespromten | Comm Studies promotion and tenure committee |
Commstudiesretfac | Communication Studies retired faculty |
Commstudiessc | Communication Studies state classified staff |
Commstudiestenuredfaculty | Communication Studies department tenured faculty |
Commstudiesttt | Communication Studies tenure and tenure track faculty |
Communityforexcellencepartners | CSU Partner Organizations with Community4Excellence |
Communityresiliencenews | CoE CRN newsletter |
Conflict_of_interest_committee | University Administration Conflict of Interest Committee |
Conner_lab | [no description available] |
Corac_list | Assessment and Research Group |
Corbett_deskstaff | Corbett student desk staff |
COSmallAcreage | CSU Extension - Small Acreage Management List |
Cotton_project | [no description available] |
Cpc_communications | [no description available] |
Cpc_communicator | [no description available] |
CPC_Guest_List | Guests interested in CPC information |
CPL-L | Cancer Prevention Lab Group List |
Cray-users | [no description available] |
Crjnews_list | [no description available] |
CRWAD_2017 | Information about the 2017 CRWAD Annual Meeting |
CRWAD_annual_meeting | [no description available] |
CRWAD_Section_Chairs | Communication forum for CRWAD Section Chairs |
Csal-l | CSAL List |
Csma_list | Colorado Student Media Association listserv |
Csu-assess | CSU Learning Assessment |
Csu-bands | Bands at Colorado State |
Csu-basketballband | Basketball Pep Band |
Csu-bmb | General Contact list for BMB inquiries - to be posted on web site |
Csu-pepband | CSU Pep Band |
Csu-training | [no description available] |
CSU-tropical | [no description available] |
Csu_asme | CSU ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Section |
Csu_cap | Climate Adaptation Partnership (CAP) |
Csu_drone_operators | [no description available] |
CSU_Ento_Club | [no description available] |
csu_gbc_excomm | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_faculty | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_graduate | [no description available] |
Csu_gbc_public | [no description available] |
Csu_gold_papers | CSU Gold Papers |
Csu_nr_remotesensing | [no description available] |
Csu_office_of_defense_engagement | ODE Office of Defense Engagement |
Csu_oip_isac | CSU International Student Advi |
Csu_one_health | One Health Constituents listserv - campuswide |
CSU_PASS_listserv | CSU Postdoc Association |
Csu_produce_network | CSU Produce Network |
Csu_rpcvs | [no description available] |
Csu_rugby | CSU Men's Rugby Team |
Csu_rugby_alumni | CSU Rugby Alumni Group List |
Csu_rugby_fans | CSU mens rugby fans |
Csu_sigma_xi | Sigma list for Dr. Ho |
CSU_Small_Animal_Sports_Medicine_and_Rehab | Mailing list |
CSU_Small_Animal_Sports_Medicine_and_Rehab_Clinical_Trials | LISTSERV |
Csu_uav | A email subscription about all things UAS/Drone in Research, Commerce, and Innovation |
CSU_UniversityAdvancement_Careers | CSU University Advancement Talent Community |
CSU_UniversityAdvancement_StudentCareers | CSU University Advancement Student Talent Community |
CSU_vpn_users | CSUVPNUSERS |
Csuaerobiome | [no description available] |
Csuarc | CSU amateur radio club |
Csuatftu-l | FTU Students at CSU |
Csubiology | [no description available] |
CSUCabinet | [no description available] |
Csucabinetassistants | [no description available] |
Csucamcrops | CO Crops Updates |
CSUDataFest | CSU Data Fest |
Csuecocar3 | Listserv for the CSU EcoCAR3 Program |
CSUEcoCARMobility | Supporting the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge DOE/GM Project |
CSUEXT_Admin_Support_Staff | CSU Extension - County Administrative Support Staff |
CSUExtEvents | CSU Extension - Programs for Ag Producers |
CSUExtNIDIS | CSU Extension - Updates from National Integrated Drought Information System |
CSUGilpinExtension | CSU Extension - Gilpin County Extension List |
CSUNRPartners | CSU Extension - CSU Natural Resource Partners |
Csuoutdoorclub | Promoting the outdoors through fun trips! |
Csuscaaep | [no description available] |
Csuspur_it_outage_notification | To help with communications with our non-CSU affiliates that occupy the Spur Campus |
Csutrackfans | Receive updates on how CSU Track Athletes are doing in competition |
Csuwebgroup | CSU Web Group |
Csuwriteslist | [no description available] |
Csuzoologyclub | CSU Zoology Club |
Curriculum | University Curriculum Committee communications |
CVID_journal_club | Announcements related to the Center for Vector-Borne and Infectious Diseases (CVID) Journal Club |
Cvmbs_finance_office | CVMBS Finance Office |
Cvmbs_grad | [no description available] |
Cwic-l | Colorado Wyoming INterpreter Coordinators |
Dancefaculty | Dance faculty list |
Darb_lab_l | [no description available] |
Dare-students | Students in DARE program |
Data_management | CSU Data Management Announcements |
Department_of_animal_sciences_stewards | [no description available] |
Dept_property_contacts | Capital Asset Managers |
Digitalhub | CLA's Center for Digital Humanities |
Disability_Club | List for student-led club of diverse people on campus who can come together to make a change and talk about experiences/living with a disability |
Dod_cr_listserv | Listserv for the DoD CRM community |
Drought-net-l | Drought-Net list-serv |
Dsa_eoc | [no description available] |
Dsa_mti_list | DSA Staff Who Teach |
Dsa_partners | [no description available] |
Dsa_staff | Listserv to communicate with Division of Student Affairs Employees |
DSAcommunications | DSA Communications Committee Listserv |
Dsasearchchair | [no description available] |
Dsasearchsupport | [no description available] |
Dsri_hpc | DSRI HPC Riviera |
Duo_phone_users | Communicate with users who use the Duo Phone Call authentication option. |
Durward_deskstaff | Durward student desk staff |
Dvmclubs | DVMClubs |
Eastern_BB | CSU Extension - Eastern Region List |
Echo360upgrade | Echo360 |
Ecoleaders | Listserv for the HDS Eco Leaders Program |
Econfaculty | Economics faculty list |
Econftustudents | FTU Students Attending CSU |
Econgta | Econ Graduate Teaching Assistants |
Econgti_list | [no description available] |
Economicsallgrad | Economics grad students |
Economicsap | Economics Admin Pro list |
Economicsretfac | [no description available] |
Economicssc | Economics state classified |
Economicstsfac | Economics instructors |
Economicsttt | Economics tenured & tenure track faculty |
Education-l | [no description available] |
Edwards_deskstaff | Edwards student desk staff |
Efg-l | Ecology Forest Group |
Ehs_losscontrol | EHS Loss Control |
Eid_maint_status | Warning messages for various eID processes |
Elcentronewsletter | El Centro News Letter |
Energy_club | [no description available] |
Energyirg-l | [no description available] |
Englishadminprolist | English Dept. Admin Pros |
Englishap | english admin professionals |
Englishccafaculty | [no description available] |
Englishcommunitylist | English Community List |
Englishdeptlist | English |
Englishexec | Executive Committee |
Englishgradcom | English Dept. Graduate Committee |
Englishgta | english gta's |
Englishretfac | english retired faculty |
Englishsc | english state classified staff |
Englishstaff | Mailing list for English admin staff |
Englishtalist | English Grad Teaching Assistants |
Englishtandp | English Dept. Tenure and Promotion Committee |
Englishtenuretrack | English Tenure Track Faculty |
Englishtsfac | english adjunct faculty |
Englishttt | English Tenured and tenure track faculty |
Englishundergradcom | English Undergraduate Committee |
Engr-1301hourly | Dean's Office Hourly List |
Engr-atshourly | ATS Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-cbehourly | [no description available] |
Engr-ceehourly | CEE Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-cirahourly | CIRA Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-ecehourly | ECE Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-mehourly | ME Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Engr-sbmehourly | SBME Hourly Employee Mailing List |
Enrolservall | All employees of Enrollment Services |
Enzyme_rcn | Enzyme research network announcement list |
Eqsc_advisory_committee | [no description available] |
Erams_training | [no description available] |
Erl_facility | Occupants of the Equine Reproduction Laboratory |
Erl_mare | ERL Mare Group |
Es_faculty | Ethnic Studies Faculty |
ESBA_Customers | CSU Extension - Purchasers of Eating Smart-Being Active Materials curriculum |
ESBA_Program_Coordinator | CSU Extension - Listserv for ESBA Program Coordinators |
ESP_Members | CSU Extension - Members of Epsilon Sigma Phi |
Ess-affiliates | Affiliate Faculty for ESS |
Ess-outreach | For ESS Alumni Communications |
Ess-undergrads | ESS Emails to Undergraduate Students |
ESS_Club | Ecosystem Science & Sustainability Club |
Ethics-l | Ethics Colloquium and Events |
Ethnicstudiesaffiliates | for our faculty affiliates |
Ethnicstudiesall | All Ethnic Studies Lists |
Ethnicstudiesallgrad | Ethnic Studies grad students |
Ethnicstudiesap | ETST AP |
Ethnicstudiesassociates | CSU Faculty supporting Ethnic Studies |
Ethnicstudiescouncil | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesdonors | Donors to the Dept. |
Ethnicstudiesfriends | People interested in and supportive of the Ethnic Studies Department |
Ethnicstudiesgta | Ethnic Studies gta's |
Ethnicstudiesntt | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesofficestaff | office staff |
Ethnicstudiesretfac | Ethnic Studies retired faculty |
Ethnicstudiessc | State Classified Employees |
Ethnicstudiesstudents | This is a list of all current ethnic studies students |
Ethnicstudiestp | Ethnic Studies Tenure and Promotion List |
Ethnicstudiestt | [no description available] |
Ethnicstudiesundergrads | All current CSU Ethnic Studies majors and minors |
Ethorityacctrecon | Account Reconciliation Group for eThority |
Ethorityusers | Used to communicate important ethority information |
Etrc_facility | Equine Center Faculty and Staff |
Evolution_csu | researchers studying evolutionary biology |
Executiveleadershipteam | [no description available] |
Executiveleadershipteamassts | ELTAssts |
Fact_list | [no description available] |
Farmergroup | CSU Chemistry; Farmer group |
FDRSMembers | CSU Extension - Network of researchers, outreach and industry professionals in food systems |
Federatedauth | CSU Shibboleth and federated authentication issues |
Fgsn_list | First Generation Student Network |
Fieldornithologists | [no description available] |
Fields-wolfe_committee | Fields-Wolfe Scholarship Committee Members |
Financeclub | E-mailing list for the CSU Finance Club |
Firelab-l | Firelab distribution list |
Fizcolloq | Colloquium communication |
Fizfac | Physics - Interoffice Communication |
Fizgrad | Physics Grad Students |
Fizugrads | Physics Undergraduates |
Forlangadjuncts | Foreign Language Adjuncts |
Forlangdeptlist | Foreign Lang |
Forlangfaculty | Mailing list for Foreign Lang faculty |
Forlanggradstudents | Foreign Language Graduate Students |
Forlanggta | Current GTAs in Dept |
Forlangregfac | Foreign Lang full time faculty list |
Former_retired_fidelity | [no description available] |
Former_retired_tiaa_corebridge | [no description available] |
Former_serp | [no description available] |
Friends_of_hds | Retirees and Special "Friends" of HDS |
Friends_of_the_MMO | Mailing list for the Madison-Macdonald Observatory |
FrontRangeACUConnection | FRACUC |
FrontRangeBB | CSU Extension - Front Range Region Listserv |
Fruitfacts | Information for Colorado Fruitgrowers |
Fshngrad | Food Sci and Human Nut. Grad students. |
Ftu_cohort_9 | [no description available] |
Fwcb_adminfacstaff | FWCB AdminPro Faculty RA Staff |
Fwcb_advising | FWCB Advisors |
Fwcb_facadvisors | FWCB FAculty Advisors |
Fwcb_faculty | FWCB Faculty Listserv |
Fwcb_grads | FWCB Graduate Student Listserv |
Fwcb_postdocs | FWCB postdocs listserv |
Fwcb_seminar | FWCB Seminar Listserv |
G-rhaf | [no description available] |
GardenCentersCO | CSU Extension - Garden Centers of Colorado |
Gdpe-journalclub | Journal club for GDPE students |
Gdpe_announcements | Graduate Degree Program in Ecology guests |
Gdpe_gradreps | GDPE Grad Student Reps List |
Gdpe_grads | GDPE graduate student email list |
Gdpe_social | For non-official Graduate Degree Program in Ecology community announcments |
GDPEfaculty | GDPE faculty email list |
Gecbugclub | [no description available] |
Gefsoc_announce-l | GEFSOC Modeling System Announcements |
Gellercenter | Geller Center |
GenderPolitics | [no description available] |
Genomesci-wetlands | [no description available] |
Geospatial | GIS and other spatial technologies |
Geospatial_grad_students | Graduate students working with geospatial technologies |
GermanProgram | List for the German program for undergraduate students, faculty, and interested community members |
Ghalambor-angeloni | Members of the Ghalambor and Angeloni |
Gina_Robinson_Legal_Studies_Minors | [no description available] |
Glbtqfacstaff | [no description available] |
Global_n2o_database | Email list for communications regarding the Global N2O Database |
Globus-users | [no description available] |
Grad_JEDI_committee | GSC JEDI Committee |
Gram_list | [no description available] |
GreenhouseSupport | GreenhouseSupport |
GSC-announce | Graduate Student Council announcements list |
GSC-ASCSU-reps | Graduate Student Council ASCSU representatives list |
GSC-comm-reps | Graduate Student Council committee representatives list |
GSC-dept-reps | Graduate Student Council departmental representatives list |
Gscdepartmentreps | Graduate Student Council departmental representatives list Gscdepartmentreps [no description available] |
Guppygroup | Guppy researchers in 4 labs |
Hartshornoccupants | [no description available] |
Hds-hr-list | HDS-HR |
Hds_cam | HDS CAM Committee |
Hds_everyone | HDS staff only email list |
Hds_network_grp | Housing Networking Group |
Hdsf_es | [no description available] |
Hdsf_es_supervisors | [no description available] |
Hdsf_everyone | [no description available] |
Hdsf_leadership | [no description available] |
Hdsf_supervisors | Housing & Dining Facilities Supervisors & Leads |
Heritage_pilot | Heritage Tourism Pilot Project grant funds |
Hf_es_supervisors | [no description available] |
HICAHSadvisoryboard | HICAHS Advisory Board |
hicahsleadership | HICAHS Leadership group |
Hipaa_notice | Required Af/Ap benefits notice - HIPAA |
Hist_jobs | [no description available] |
Historyallgrad | History grad students |
Historygta | History gta's |
Historyretfac | History retired faculty |
Historystc | for state classifieds in History Dept. |
Historytsfac | History adjuncts |
Historyttt | History tenured & tenure track faculty |
Ho_dataspecialist | [no description available] |
Ho_dining_chefs | Mailing List for RDS Chefs |
Ho_dining_gm | General Managers |
Ho_dining_palmer | Dining Services Palmer Center Staff |
Ho_dining_studmgr | RDS Student Managers |
Ho_dining_supv | Dining Services Supervisors |
Ho_directors | Housing - Directors |
Ho_facilities_es | [no description available] |
Ho_food_mgr | Residential Dining Service |
Ho_olt | Operations Management Leadership Team |
Ho_omsupervisors | Housing and Dining Facilities Supervisors |
Ho_ops | Housing - Housing & Dining Facilities |
ho_palmer | Housing - Palmer |
Hoke-funk | Members of Hoke and Funk labs |
Holistic_Health_Alliance | Holistic Health Alliance student organization |
Hong-l | [no description available] |
Honors_faculty | [no description available] |
Hort | CSU Extension - Extension personnel with horticulture duties |
HorticultureClub | Horticulture Club's contact list |
Housing_apartment_team | [no description available] |
Housing_aptdeskstaff | [no description available] |
Housing_ARC | List for reorganizing of University Housing with new titles and supervisions lines |
Housing_camunity_team | New ownership and broadened recipiency list |
Housing_cc_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_cdm | [no description available] |
Housing_emergency_contact | [no description available] |
Housing_grad_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_halldeskstaff | [no description available] |
Housing_leadership | [no description available] |
Housing_oando | List for new section in department |
Housing_office_management | [no description available] |
Housing_palmer | [no description available] |
Housing_ra_staff | [no description available] |
Housing_RC | List for reorganizing of University Housing with new titles and supervisions lines |
Housing_rd | [no description available] |
Housing_rd_ard | [no description available] |
Housing_rd_rm | [no description available] |
Housing_residencehall_team | [no description available] |
Housing_rm_arm | [no description available] |
Housing_team | [no description available] |
Housingnavigator | [no description available] |
Hr_ben_alert | New Hire and Re-Hire Benefit Listing |
Hr_electronic_acceptance | [no description available] |
Hr_supervisors | [no description available] |
Hr_tms_notifications | [no description available] |
Hrs-benefits | HRS Benefits List |
Hrs-benefits-fap | Benefit-related info for faculty and admin pro |
Hrs-benefits-notification | [no description available] |
Hrs-benefits-ret | Retirement-eligible Fac/AP Employees |
Hrs-benefits-sc | For sending benefits-related info to state classified employees |
Hrs_anthem | A temporary listserv to service 2800 employees |
Hui_o_hawaii | Members of Hui 'O Hawai'i Club |
Hydrology.days1 | [no description available] |
HydrologyDays | [no description available] |
Iasc-l | [no description available] |
Ids_board | IDS Board |
Ids_faculty | IDS Faculty |
Ids_students | IDS Students |
Ieee-colostate | CSU's IEEE student branch |
IFCW-PRU | CSU Extension - Team listserv for Individual, Family and Community Well-Being PRU |
ILA_Major | [no description available] |
ILab_users | [no description available] |
Incidentmanagementadhoc | [no description available] |
InclusiveExcellenceCouncil | List for the Inclusive Excellence Council, formerly known as the Equity and Inclusion Network |
India | India Group |
Industry-l | [no description available] |
Ingersoll_deskstaff | Ingersoll student desk staff |
Inst-l | International Studies Major Listserv |
InstituteForEntrepreneurship | Opportunities for entrepreneurs at CSU |
Insular-areas-2018meeting | Insular Areas 2018 Meeting |
internationalfs | List for international faculty and staff support network and organizing events at CSU |
Intl_faculty | faculty/staff with international interests |
Intlstaff | Intl Programs Employees |
ipwg_ml_wg | Mailing list for the IPWG ML working group |
Is-maint-l | Information Systems Server Availability and Maintenance |
Ispe_email_list | [no description available] |
Istp_10 | [no description available] |
its-lab | ITS Lab |
Iucouncil | Intra University Council |
Iulabmanage | for the managers |
Iulabstaff | for the computer labs |
Jbp_project_managers | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Project Management Team. |
Jbp_project_sponsors | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the project's sponsors. |
Jbp_project_team | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the project team. |
Jbp_project_team_accounts_receivable | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Accounts Receivable Team. |
Jbp_project_team_admissions | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Admissions Team. |
Jbp_project_team_financial_aid | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Financial Aid Team. |
Jbp_project_team_it | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the IT Team. |
Jbp_project_team_registrar | Joint Banner Project list used by/for the Registrar Team. |
JBP_Stakeholder_Testing | Joint Banner Project Stakeholder Testing |
jmc-capstone | Email listserv for JMC Capstone |
Journalism_mcmm | [no description available] |
Journalismallgrad | Journalism grad students |
Journalismgradms | JTC MS students |
Journalismgradphd | JTC PhD students |
Journalismretfac | Journalism retired faculty |
Jtc460capstonesp16 | Communicate with students in all six capstone sections |
Jtcgradcommittee | Graduate committee for JTC Dept |
K12_partnership | NREL's K-12 outreach partnership |
Kayak_club | CSU whitewater kayak club |
Keyadvisers | Key Academic Advisers in Each Department |
Keymanagers | University department key managers |
Keystudentambassadors | Key Student Ambassadors |
Krummelresearch | Krummel Research |
L-Range | L-Range Family of Models |
Lab_air_quality_research | [no description available] |
Ladlc_officers | Liberal Arts Dean's Leadership Council Officers |
Lamphost-cwis | [no description available] |
Laqr-l | [no description available] |
Lasso-l | [no description available] |
Latinstudies | Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
Latinx_gradstudents | [no description available] |
Latinxfacstaff | [no description available] |
Leap_alums | CSU Mailing List for LEAP Alumni |
Leap_minor | Undergrad Minors in LEAP |
Leap_students | Students enrolled in LEAP courses |
Leapfaculty | LEAP program instructors and staff |
Learningcommunities | CSU Learning Communities Email List |
Learnserv | Service Learning Curriculum Model |
Lic_longmont_preceptors | [no description available] |
Limited-submissions | CSU Limited Submission Announcements |
Lions-mm | [no description available] |
Livegreen | Live Green Sustainability Team |
Llc-curriculum | curriculum committee LLC |
LMS-Coordinators | Learning Management System Coordinators at CSU. |
LocalFood | CSU Extension - Extension Local Foods initiative |
LocalFoodEconomics | CSU Extension - CSU Local Food Economics |
Lrose-devel | LROSE Software Development |
Lrose-help | [no description available] |
Lrose-users | [no description available] |
Lsc_bus_partners | Third-party vendors in the Lory Student Center |
Lsc_food_partners | LSC Food Partners |
Lsc_svc_partners | Other offices located in the Lory StudentCenter |
Lv_deskstaff | LV student desk staff |
Mag-l | [no description available] |
Manrrs-l | The National Society for Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences, CSU Chapter |
Map-erc | Mountains and Plains Education and Research Center |
Marketingclub | CSU Marketing Club |
Matchemjclub | Solid State Materials Chemistry Journal Club |
Mayolabfieldwork | Field work communications |
Mcin-faculty | Faculty members of the Neuroscience Program |
Mcin-gradstudents | Graduate students in the Neuroscience Program |
Mcin-postdocs | [no description available] |
Mckay_lab_cas | [no description available] |
Mcmmdenver | [no description available] |
ME_aerospace | [no description available] |
Me_undergrads | ME Undergraduate Students |
Mecontrolsvolunteers | [no description available] |
MedfordLab | Medford Lab |
Meg-l | [no description available] |
MEG-Workshops | Workshops Sponsored by the Microbial Ecology Group |
Megalab-l | megalab announcements |
Mena-l | Middle East North African Studies |
Mexicocenter | [no description available] |
Mgolfemails | [no description available] |
Microbiome_network | Microbiome Network |
Microbiome_network_faculty | CSU Faculty of the Microbiome Network |
Microbiosa | Communication among members of the Microbiology Student Association |
Mip_micro | Microbiology facility employees |
Mongolianrangelands | interdisciplinary team on studying community based rangeland management in Mongolia |
Morrislab_list | Internal Morris Lab Communication |
Mppa_onlinestudents | [no description available] |
Mrsec-l | [no description available] |
Mtddeptap | MTD Admin Proffesionals |
Mtddeptgta | [no description available] |
Mtddeptlist | MTD combined faculty-staff |
Mtddeptsc | MTD State Classified |
Mtddepttsfac | MTD Adjunct Continuing Contract |
Mtddeptttt | MTD Tenure-Track and Tenured |
Mtdfaculty | MTD dept faculty list |
Mtdstaff | MTD dept staff list |
MtnRegionBB | CSU Extension - Mountain Region Listserv |
MtnSentinels | MTSENT |
MtnSentinels_earlycareer | MSEC |
MUGSS_list | MUGSS mentee listserv |
Multiculturalstaffandfacultynetwork | [no description available] |
Multiethnicfacultystaff | MultiEthnic Faculty and Staff |
Munsky_group | Listserv for Munsky research group |
Museumsecurity | [no description available] |
Musicfaculty | Music faculty list |
Musictenured | Music P&T committee |
Myhr-notifications | Important Notices from Human Resources |
Nature-and-health-northern-colorado | Nature and Health Northern Colorado |
Ncpost-board | NC POST Board Members |
Ncpost-l | POST Training |
NeuroSciMRI | CSU MRI Users |
Neversummer | Never Summer 100k |
Newsom_deskstaff | Newsom student desk staff |
NGM-L | NGM Clinical Research Study List |
NGS_announcements | Announcements related to next generation sequencing at CSU |
Nicaragua_travelers | participants on the nicaragua travel program |
Nistcoe_grad_postdocs | For NIST-COE Graduate Students and Post Docs |
noco-cores | A listserv for communicating CORES-relevant subject matter |
Nrcc | Updates from WCNR Career Services |
NREL_seminars | NREL and ESS seminars |
Nrms-list | Natural Resource Manageent Society student club |
Nrs-l | Natural Resources and Sustainability Learning Community Listserv |
NSF_Felidae | [no description available] |
Oc-leaders | CSU Outing Club Leadership Mail List |
ODPN_members | [no description available] |
Ods_l | CSU Enterprise Data Warehouse |
Oeo_self_id | [no description available] |
Oie-studentsuccessadvisorycouncil | United In STEMM points of contact for each unit. |
OIEStudentSuccessAdvisoryCouncil | List to connect all academic associate deans and students affairs personnel responsible for DEI initiatives |
Olpc-phd-2014 | OLPC - PHD - 2014 Cohort |
Olpc-phd-2016 | OLPC PhD 2016 |
Olpc-phd-2018 | [no description available] |
Olpc-phd-2020 | [no description available] |
One_health_institute_cctsi | [no description available] |
One_health_institute_ohsac | [no description available] |
Onehealth | Communication for the One Health club at CSU |
Onish-journalclub | Nishimura BMB journal club |
Onishimuralab | [no description available] |
Oracle_hrms_leave | HRMS Leave Listserv |
Oracle_hrms_users | HRMS User Listserv |
Ordnews | Ordination-multivariate methods in community ecology |
Organic_garden | Gardening Group |
Orientationadvisors | Academic Advisors for Orientation Sessions |
Ornaent | Ornamental Entomology |
Oura-undergraduateresearch | Info regarding undergraduate research programs |
Outingclub | CSU Outdoor Club |
Owsi-staff-l | [no description available] |
Ozone-cluster | [no description available] |
Parent-family | For parents of CSU students |
Parmelee_deskstaff | Parmelee student desk staff |
Pathologyrounds | Pathology Rounds |
Paton_lab | [no description available] |
Pestcom | chemical pesticide residues |
Pestserv-l | nursery turf & landscape professionals no-digests no-archives |
Phcdelegate | To provide communication between chapter delegates |
Phdbrighton-12 | [no description available] |
Phideltatheta | Phi Delt Discussion List |
Philosophyallgrad | Philosophy grad students |
Philosophyap | [no description available] |
Philosophyexec | Philosophy Executive Committee |
Philosophyfriends | [no description available] |
Philosophygta | Philosophy GTAs |
Philosophynewgta | [no description available] |
PhilosophyPedagogy | To communicate with members of the philosophy department pedagogy group who meet to discuss better approaches to teaching |
Philosophyretfac | Philosophy retired faculty |
Philosophyreturngta | [no description available] |
Philosophysc | Philosophy state classified staff |
Philosophytp | Philosophy T&P Committee |
Philosophytsfac | Philosophy adjunct faculty |
Philosophyttt | Philosophy tenured & tenure track faculty |
Physicspcards | [no description available] |
Physio_bldg | Includes all occupants of the Physio |
Pinnaclemembers | For students who are members of Pinnacle Honor Society |
Plainsyearfaculty | [no description available] |
Plantbiology | Program in Molecular Plant Biology Complete List |
Plantsupergroup | For plant biology researchers at CSU |
Pmdenverfa16 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa17 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa18 | [no description available] |
Pmdenverfa19 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp16 | Project Management Certificate Denver Spring 2016 |
Pmdenversp17 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp18 | [no description available] |
Pmdenversp19 | [no description available] |
Pmfortcollinsfa16 | [no description available] |
Pmusersgroup | PMUG |
Polisciallgrad | Political Science grad students |
Poliscidept | [no description available] |
Poliscigta | Political Science dept gtas |
Poliscisc | Political Science state classified staff |
Poliscitsfac | Political Science adjuncts |
Poliscittt | Political Science tenured & tenure track faculty |
Power-outages | [no description available] |
Pre_law_club | Pre Law Club Communication |
Precip_2016 | [no description available] |
Prehealth | Prehealth profession advising |
PrescribedFire_Group | Prescribed Fire Working Group |
Prevetadvisers | Regional pre-vet advisers |
Priderc_newsletter | Pride Resource Center Newsletter |
Proctors | Building proctors |
Professional_womens_apparel | Professional women's apparel |
Programmingstaff | a communication tool for programmers across campusin different offices |
Prs_faculty | Peace and Reconciliation program faculty list |
Prs_students | Peace and Reconciliation Program Students |
Psichi_psa | Psi Chi & PSA |
Psm-ns-bda | Official list for PSM in Biological Data Analytics |
Psminformation | [no description available] |
Psmstudentrep | [no description available] |
Publichealth | Public health students and faculty |
Publichealth-faculty | Public health affiliated faculty issues |
Q-bio | q-bio researches at CSU |
Qbio16_can | [no description available] |
Qbio16_cbs | [no description available] |
Qbio16_sgr | [no description available] |
Ramct-coordinators | RamCT Coordinators from all colleges and areas at CSU |
Rams-Organizing-for-Animal-Rights | List for student organization to contact CSU and community members |
rams_model | CSU RAMS Model Users List |
Ramsforbernie | [no description available] |
RDC_newsletter | [no description available] |
Ready_csu_newsletter | [no description available] |
Real_1819 | [no description available] |
Recindoorcycling | [no description available] |
Recmindbody | [no description available] |
Regdars_list | Registars office personnel concerned with DARS AppWorx Jobs |
Regdirectory_list | Registars office personnel concerned with the creating of the Student Directory file |
Reggrdchg-athl_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-csph_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-degr_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-grad_list | Grade change notifications |
Reggrdchg-vet_list | Grade change notifications |
RegionalHemp | CSU Extension - Issues related to growing, marketing, and selling hemp and hemp products |
Regsched_list | Registars office personnel who schedule AppWorx Jobs |
Regwthd-aro_list | Withdrawal notifications to Accounts Receivable. |
Regwthd-athletics_list | Withdrawal notifications to Student Athletics. |
Regwthd-casemgmt_list | Withdrawal notifications to Case Management. |
Regwthd-dvm_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Vet Med program. |
Regwthd-gradschl_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Graduate School. |
Regwthd-housing_list | Withdrawal notifications to Housing. |
Regwthd-insurance_list | Withdrawal notifications to the Health Network Insurance. |
Regwthd-intl_list | Withdrawal notifications to International Programs |
Regwthd-veteran_list | Withdrawal notifications to Veterans Benefits. |
Research_safety | [no description available] |
Researchit_announcements | Research IT announcements: News, Conferences and Professional Development |
Restoration | Regional Restoration Ecology jobs and events |
Rha_nrhh_cabinet | RHA and NRHH cabinet staff |
Rl_ramorientation | [no description available] |
Rl_summerdeskstaff | [no description available] |
Rl_summersession | [no description available] |
RMACseminar | RMAC Seminar |
Robocup-l | CSU Small Size Robot Soccer (RoboCup) team |
Rockymtnvets | The Rocky Mountain Coalition for Veteran Support Services listserv |
Rs-hydrology | [no description available] |
Rsmj | Research Society on Marijuana |
Saf_AlphaChapter | CSU Society of American Foresters Alpha Chapter |
Safe-l | Student Association for Fire Ecology |
Safecenter_newsletter | [no description available] |
SAFEprostaff | List to ensure more streamlined processes can focus fully on supporting survivors on campus |
SAHE-Students_RI | Unified distribution list for students in the SAHE MS program |
Sahe_online | [no description available] |
Saheadvisors | SAHE Advisors Group |
Sahealumni | SAHE alumni list |
Sahefaculty | SAHE faculty members |
Sahesupervisors | SAHE Supervisors |
Savma_exec | [no description available] |
Scavma_exec | Members of the SCAVMA Executive Board |
SCC | [no description available] |
Scf | Special Course Fees Contact List |
Sciencepolicy | Science in Action club |
Scs_seminar | [no description available] |
Seapol-request | [no description available] |
SEColo_Tourism | CSU Extension - SE Colo Tourism & Economic |
Shejumpscsu | Connect with other women in the outdoors! |
Shpe_csu_list | [no description available] |
Shrmcsuchapter | CSU Student Chapter of The Society of Human Resource Management |
Sigma-xi-csu-active | List of active Sigma Xi members @ CSU |
Sims | Spatial info management minors |
Singleparentstudents | For CSU student parents |
Slice_list | [no description available] |
Small_Farms | CSU Extension - Issues related to small farms in Colo |
Smile_activities | Activities for the UV |
SMTDHRteam | [no description available] |
Snow_club | ski and snowboard club |
Sociodeptlist | Sociology Department List |
Sociologyaffiliates | [no description available] |
Sociologyallgrad | Sociology grad students |
Sociologyap | Sociology admin professionals |
Sociologyccafaculty | Contract, Continuing, and Adjunct Faculty |
Sociologydcm | Sociology Dept. Council Members |
Sociologygraduatecoordinator | [no description available] |
Sociologygta | Sociology gta's |
sociologygti | [no description available] |
Sociologyphd | [no description available] |
Sociologyretfac | Sociology retired and other faculty |
Sociologysc | Sociology state classified staff |
Sociologytenuredfaculty | [no description available] |
Sociologyttt | Sociology tenured & tenure track faculty |
Socr_grads | [no description available] |
Softballmedia | [no description available] |
Soges_sustainability_leadership_fellows_list | SoGES SLF list |
Soil-innovation-lab | [no description available] |
Som-bsf | [no description available] |
Som_ascfaculty | [no description available] |
som_ASCpreceptors | Contact list for fourth year preceptors |
som_DOCSpreceptors | Contact list for third year preceptors |
som_emergency | Emergency contact list for med students working in clinic and hospital |
som_fcbranch | Contact list for volunteers that aren't currently active in the medical school program |
som_LICpreceptors | Contact list for second year volunteer preceptors |
Somadmin | [no description available] |
Sonia_atmos_group | [no description available] |
SOURCE_External | List for external users that have have signed up for SOURCE |
Southern_BB | CSU Extension - Southern Region List |
SPAN-L | CSU Extension - South Platte Ag Nutrient Committee |
Spanishforlang | Spanish professors and instructors |
Spanishsi | Spanish Special Instructors |
Speaker_list | SAFE Center Speaker's Collective |
Spin-l | [no description available] |
Sports_medicine_rounds | [no description available] |
Ssi_participants | Summer Soil Institute Participants |
Ssi_staff | Summer Soil Institute Staff |
SSTeamList | CSU Extension - Shooting Sports Team List |
STEM_for_Kids | STEM for Kids RSO Volunteer general mailing list |
STEM_Outreach | CSU STEM Education and Outreach |
stepp_students_alumni | The School of Education - Educator Preparation |
Storms-l | [no description available] |
Stormwater | Stormwater stakeholders list for CLEAN Project |
Streambank | Stream Bank stakeholders list for CLEAN Project |
Studentparents | Information and resources for student parents |
Studyabroadalumni | Events and opportunities for Study Abroad Returnees |
Stuhealthins | SHIP Parent Reminders |
Subnet-managers | Subnet managers list |
Summersoilinstitute2012 | Communication list for summer course |
Summit-users | [no description available] |
Summit_deskstaff | Summit student desk staff |
superchickens | [no description available] |
Supervisors | Housing - Supervisors |
Survey_jtc300 | Random sample of students for survey |
Susadmins | SUS Admins |
Swimmingmedia | [no description available] |
Tadpoles-mm | [no description available] |
Task1_developmentofin-coreplatform | [no description available] |
Task2_in-core_outreach_and_sustainability | [no description available] |
Task3_mitigation_and_recovery | [no description available] |
Task4_verification_and_validation_of_in-core | [no description available] |
Task5_modeling_of_complex_systems | [no description available] |
Task6_modeling_of_interdependencies_and_propagation_of_uncertainty | [no description available] |
Tenuredfaculty | English Dept. professors and associate professors |
Tesl | TESL/TEFL Program graduate student/faculty list |
Testlist181 | [no description available] |
Textgeneratorsandteachingwriting | AI Generated Text Discussion |
TGEC_list | Temple Grandin Equine Center |
Theatrefaculty | Theatre dept faculty |
Thepolicyconnection | Policy office newsletter |
Thewildlifesociety | CSU Chapter of the Wildlife Society |
Thorguard_alerts | [no description available] |
Thousandcankers | Discussion of thousand cankers disease of walnut |
Tnc_2022_advisory_board | TNC 2022 Advisory Board |
Tnc_consortium | TNC Consortium |
Travel_arrangers | Communicate updates to Electronic Travel Module |
Tri-beta-honors | TriBetaCSU |
Tt_fac | [no description available] |
Ttc_training | Technology Training Center Listserv |
Ucp-l | [no description available] |
Ucpadmin-l | [no description available] |
Underlangconc | Listserv for undergraduate language concentration |
Unix-L | IAC Unix Advisory Group |
UrbanForestryServ | List for urban forestry communities managers / tree boards to communicate about related topics |
Urbansustainability | Fort Collins Urban Sustainability Research Network |
USMA | US Metric Association |
Uwin-l | [no description available] |
Uwin-network | Entire UWIN Network |
Veteranstudents | A mechanism for veteran students to connect with each other |
Vibe | [no description available] |
VICS-L | Veterinary Infection Control Society |
Victimasst | Victim Assistance Team Volunteers |
Von_fischer_lab | For official lab group communication |
Vpdiversity | This will be a listserv we use to send out correspondence of current happenings |
Vpsa-sad | VPSA Student Affairs Directors |
Vpuo_staff | Listserv for Vice President for University Operations staff |
VTH-contagious-dz-alert | Contagious Disease Awareness at CSU-VTH |
vth-salmonella-alert | Provides alerts about Salmonella shedding in VTH Patients |
Vth_anatpath | Faculty and Staff in the VTH |
Vth_ap | VetTeaching Hos-Admin-Pro |
Vth_clinics | Clinicians and technicians on VTH duty |
Vth_intern | Interns at the VTH |
W-admin-officers | WAAESD- W. Administrative Officers |
W-ahs | WAAESD- W Agricultural Deans |
W-apdirs | WAAESD- W Academic Prog. Directors |
W-caret | WAAESD Western CARET |
W-comm | WAAESD- Western Region Communications Strategy Steering Committee |
W-executive-committee | WAAESD Executive Committee |
W-mrc | WAAESD- Multistate Research Committee |
W-nimms | WAAESD- AA List in NIMMS |
W-waaesd | [no description available] |
W-water | WAAESD-Western Water Network |
Wacnews-l | WAC Clearinghouse Announcements List |
Wallenstein_lab | announcements for the Wallenstein lab group |
Wasc-l | Warner Academic Support Collaborative |
Wastewater | Wastewater stakeholders for research groups |
Water_faculty_csu | Water Faculty at CSU |
Wbb_media | [no description available] |
Wcnr_international | [no description available] |
Wcrc-rogersmesa_producers | [no description available] |
Wcrc-rogersmesa_public | [no description available] |
Webfocus_student | Collaboration for WebFOCUS student reporting |
Webfocusfinancehr | [no description available] |
Webfocuspowerusers | [no description available] |
Webfocusreports | WebFocus_Campus_Reporting_Tool |
Western-COO | WAAESD W-AES Chief Officers |
WesternBB | CSU Extension - Western Region List |
Westfall_deskstaff | Westfall student desk staff |
Wgac_alumni | [no description available] |
WGAC_newsletter | [no description available] |
Wgcollaborative_list | Communication through the Women & Gender Collaborative |
Wgolfemails | [no description available] |
Williams-group | Williams Research Group, Chemistry Dept. |
Williams-lab | Williams Research Group, Chemistry Dept. |
willislabcsu | Willis Lab / CSU Chemistry |
Windowsadmins | Windows Advisory Group |
Women-faculty | Standing Committee on the Status of Women Faculty |
Women_env_list | School of Global Environmental Sustainability Women Population and the Environment Working Group |
Womengender | a graduate seminar list |
WomenPlus_CSFS | List to communicate with members in the WomenPlus subcommittee for the DEI group |
Wr-outreach | For grads and alumni of the Watershed Science Program |
WritingAnalytics-L | Discussion of Writing Analytics Tools and Methods |
Wsaffiliates | women's studies affiliate instructors |
Wsalllists | [no description available] |
Wsboardfaculty | combined list of board members and faculty |
Wsboardmembers | Women's Studies board members |
Wscoe_labtours | [no description available] |
Wsfacultyaffiliates | Women's Studies faculty and affiliates |
Wsfriendsof | friends of Women's Studies |
Wsntt-l | [no description available] |
Wsstudents | Women's Studies Certificate Students |
yoga_on_the_oval | List for ongoing informal group of on-campus CSU personnel with an outdoor yoga experience |
Zerowasteteam | [no description available] |
Zms_list | [no description available] |
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